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The next few days did not go how you expected it to you thought that it would be awkward or maybe even uncomfortable but instead it was quiet and absent. Rose had vanished. Without a letter or a text. She was just gone...

After your night together, the amazing night together she got busy with work and then the next morning you went to go wake her up and she wasn't in bed. At first, you thought that maybe she went to her studio or something but then a few hours became a few days and still no Rose. She didn't answer your calls or texts. It frustrated you to the point where you were in a snippy mood with everyone, you got drunk almost every night, you even hooked up with a few people just to try and forget her, but you couldn't.

Everyone was on edge, the met was a week away and you didn't have a dress and without Rose, the plan simply would not work. Rose probably hasn't realised it yet but we needed her most. We asked 9 ball to try and track her but it was like she completely vanished. Her phone was traced to her studio but she wasn't there, she tried tracking her car but it was abandoned in a...you guessed it a McDonald's parking lot.

Surprisingly Lou was calm and quiet, you presumed her to blow up but you guessed she was just upset, like the rest of the group. Everyone had grown attached to Rose, with her being the eldest of the group she always had the best advice but on the other hand, she was like a little kid and also extremely awkward so she made everyone laugh and feel comfortable.

Rose had bonded with every member of the group separately whilst making their dresses. You on the other hand bonded with Rose on a different level and you could not stop thinking about her. You didn't want to but you missed her like hell, you needed her and you hated it because you never needed someone before.

"Hey, why don't we go out tonight ?" you asked the group.

"For god's sake we've been out every night this week." moaned Tammy.

"Wrong, Lou and I have been out every night this week, you have only been out for three."

"Still I'm tired and I want to facetime the kids later tonight but maybe tomorrow," said Tammy.

"Alright then, just me?" you asked looking at the group.

All of them nodded their heads, still nursing a hangover from the night before.

You gave a dreadfully dramatic sigh and went to get ready. Tonight you were getting over Rose no matter what it took it couldn't carry on like this.


You decided to revisit the club you and Rose went to. Maybe the memories would make the pain worse but it was needed to help get over her. You ordered a long island ice tea and put your focus on the people in the club. Nobody really caught your attention.

There was a fiery redhead with the most beautiful brown eyes but as fate would have it she was wearing a Rose Weil original...fucks sake. Maybe the blonde wearing the strappy top that left nothing to the imagination? No No, she was wearing the same Red Mac lipstick that Rose wears.

"Fucking hell," you mutter under your breath.

"And who has gotten you so riled up?" asked an unknown voice.

You turn your head to unveil a stunning gal, she had untidy brown hair and intense blue eyes. Her eyebrows arched in honest concern and by the way she slurred her speech she was a tad tipsy.

"Oh uh it's nothing," you say back, maintaining eye contact.

"Fine keep it to yourself but can I at least buy you another drink?"

"Sure why the hell not?"

She bought you another long island which you downed pretty quickly and in the same breath you ordered two tequila shots. You and the pretty girl with the blue eyes did the shots and started giggling as one does when alcohol hits.

"What's your name anyway ?" you ask genuinely curious.

"It's Jools, well Julie but everyone calls me Jools."

"Awh I love that! I'm y/n"

"Let's drink to that !"

And just like that, you had another drink and then another. You enjoyed Jools and her company, she was spontaneous and funny not to mention one heck of a dancer. If you weren't at the bar having a drink then you were on the dance floor swaying your bodies to the beat of the music. God, it felt good.

"Hey, I gotta go to the bathroom, don't miss me too much," said Jools and pulled you in for a kiss. A kiss you welcomed immediately.
She pulled away, giving you a deadly smirk, patting your ass before sauntering to the bathroom.

"Hey could I please get another." you politely ask the bartender.

For a second you considered that maybe you should stop with the drinking and focus but that thought went as soon as it came. After all, you haven't thought of Rose while you were with Jools this was good and that kiss was just was so enthusiastic.

You laughed at yourself for being so stupid, how could you let one woman take over your whole being in such a short amount of time? You were stronger than this and of course, the alcohol helped, it helped a lot. Fuck her! Fuck Rose Weil!

"SHOULD WE HAVE MORE SHOTS?"  Jools shouted over the music as she returned from the bathroom.

"I don't see why not, liquid cocaine ?" you asked with a sly smile.

"Fuck yes.."

The bartender made the shots and laughed as you and Jools took them and triumphantly didn't even pull a face. Your phone started ringing and you see you have three missed calls from Lou.

"What now?" asks Jools.

"Oh, it's nothing just a friend, she knows I'm out it's fine.

"A friend of a friend ?" asks Jools while climbing on your lap.

"Just a friend," you mumble.

"Let's get out of here," Jools whispers in your ear.

You only nod in approval. "Let me just pay the bill and we can go."

"I will be waiting outside," says Jools with a wink.

As your paying the bill you notice the waiter frowning a bit.

"What's wrong is the card not working ?"

"Oh no it's working, I just was kinda hoping to see you with that blonde again,yall seemed so happy." said the young waiter honestly.

"Yes well, it didn't work, I've forgotten all about her so I suggest you do the same." You say and share a chuckle with the waiter that almost looked a little sad.

"Am I that easy to forget?" came an all too familiar voice from behind you.

La Vie En Rose Where stories live. Discover now