Chapter 14- My protector

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||New Fanfiction! It is called Online (Baekhyun and Taeyeon fanfic). Thanks||.

Ring Ring!

I run down with my backpack and small pencil case in my hands. I swing the door open and meet to a determined looking boyfriend.

"You look cute" He smiles

I am in a black and dark green plaid skirt with overall straps. I wear a white long-sleeved collared blouse and black heels. I have my hair half up and half down with a dark green ribbon. I applied pink lip gloss and black eyeliner.

I pose with a hand on my hip,"Thanks." He laughs and puts his arm around my shoulders.

"Well, I am not letting you out of my sight. Remember? So, from now on, I will try and stick close to you so I keep you away from danger."

"Oh geez. Are you having a teen crises? Because it sounds borderline"

"No no no, I should ask you that question. Because you seem to purposely be getting yourself injured"

I scoff," Excuse me? I am not crazy. Your making sound like I don't even care about my life."

"Okay, sorry!"He puts his hands up, surrendering,"I am just going to be a bodyguard for my pretty girlfriend"


"Oh,hey Oppa" I greet Kai

He meets me with a serious gaze,"What is wrong with you? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Don't worry, I just have a full time bodyguard now."

"Really? Who? It must be lazy bodyguard because he isn't even here yet." He says searching the campus.

I laugh,"Haha, no. The bodyguard is Baekhyun, genius."

"But why? She isn't accident prone." Kai says

"He is starting to thinking I am. He is worrying too much."

Baekhyun inches closer. I look at him weirdly and he questions me. I shake my head and look to Kai.

"Well, you should have seen her yesterday." Baekhyun continues," So I have decided to protect her. And I am great at it."

I laugh,"Says who?" I poke his arm

"Says me. And come on. You don't want to admit it but I am a good-looking boyfriend." He says winking towards me.

I push him away and run to et away from his bragging. I run across the campus and not long after, Baekhyun surrounds his arms around my waist.

"Yah! Okay okay, you got me. Let me go." I hold his wrists so he can loosen his grip.

"Why would I? It feels nice to hold you like this." He whispers

"Like how? This? Dude, I will kick you if you keep doing this, okay? I have a headache." I say, massaging my temples.

"Sorry, does it hurt?" He worries and holds my head

I laugh,"Nah, it's okay."

He smiles and he pulls me towards homeroom.

• • •

"Kim Yuni? History, Period 1, class 406."

"Yep. Thank You." I try to stick into my brain.

"Announcements: Year 7 election are on this 5th and 6th period. Year 11 trip to Japan meeting is at 1st period if lunch. For all grades, Talent showcase list is up. Sign ups are open until July 9th. And thats it"

I secretly pay attention to the Talent Showcase announcement. July 9th...
2 weeks until dead line.

What would I do for the showcase? Sing?

My thoughts get interrupted by the bell that rings. I head out to history.

"Hey, look who it is" I hear an annoying voice

"What do you want, Miyoung?" I ask, tired

She has a grim smile,"Oh, nothing in particular. I was told that you needed yo be saved by your cousin and 'boyfriend'"

"Okay, first Baekhyun is my boyfriend. And second, why are you so scared of me?"

She does a fake gasp,"Excuse me? I am not scared of you-"

I feel like this was my first day all over again,"Then leave me alone."

I smile and teasingly wave bye to her. I skip ahead and try to pay attention to the teacher.


"Are you gonna enter the talent quest?" Baekhyun asks me

"No" I look at him weirdly," Why would I?"

"Kai told me you could sing" He smiles, "Didn't you perform at your old school?"

I nod,"Yeah, that's why I left. Everyone started treating me differently. All because I could sing."

It is part of the truth. But I can't tell him about my dad yet.

"Ah, yes. Oh! I forgot, i'm supposed to get food with Kai. I'll get you some and we'll come back."

I nod and he gives me a kiss on my cheek. I smile and watch him off.

"Eugh, that makes me puke." Miyoung. Again?

"Can you just leave me alone?" I ask tiredly

"No way. I have so much things to say to you." She pushes me against the lockers.

"Stop it. Let go of me" I say as she tightens her grip on my wrists.

She cackles,"Why would I? Actually, I would. If you leave Baekhyun."

I shake my head. Not saying a word. She glares at me. She slaps me.

"Leave him and I will let you go." She offers

I sigh and shake my head insistently. I don't know why I don't want to leave Baekhyun maybe after everything I fell in love with him.

She slaps me twice. Harder. Thats when I hear his voice.

"Leave her alone, Miyoung"

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