Chapter 5

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Toby and I are going to the spring dance together so me and the girls are shopping for dresses. We decided to all go with short dresses since its spring. Chrissy already found a dress that's purple and blue. Marlene found a dress that's sky-ish blue. I find a dress that's
blue and Lynn found a dress that's black. We are looking for one for Shauna. I spot a royal blue one that has one stap and has diamonds on the strap. I call her over. She squeals and tries it on. We buy it and leave. We go to a hair place and buy stuff. I get brown highlights and Shauna gets blonde on her ends. Chrissy gets a blue feather to match her dress that they glue to her head and Lynn gets her ends died black(A/N in my story Lynn's hair is a little below shoulder length). We leave and Chris, Shauna, and Marlene go into Sephora while me and Lynn sneak off to get ice cream. After they're done we get shoes and leave. We all head to my house and invite the boys over. All of us live in walking distance so after playing truth or dare and would you rather everyone walks to their house to grab pajamas. Toby lives next door so he is the first one back. When everyone comes back we watch movies including TFIOS, Frozen, The Sound of Music and many more. We ate pizza and popcorn while watching movies. Uri sobbed through all of TFIOS and sang through all of Frozen. When the last movie finishes I look around to find everyone asleep so I lay on a pillow I got from my room and dose off.

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