1 - How It All Began (Job Counseling Done Different)

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There is a point in everyone's life, where they have to realize that nothing really is in their own hands. One day they live in the comfort of their home, worrying about dirty laundry and undone homework, and the next day they are being torn out of their bubble without a warning.

I take it, this might look a little unnecessarily dramatic, but believe me I'm talking from experience and my room has never been the same ever since. Same for my poor damaged sanity, of course.

But I guess y'all have no clue what I'm talking about, right? I suppose it's only fair that I tell you about what happened.

Buckle up my friends, for this is the story about how I found myself and someone else, as a bonus. Life is more ridiculous than you expect and a lot bitchier than you realize.


I stared down at the paper in front of me, silence so defeaning that the old clock hanging above my bed was menacingly loud.

I was short of throwing that thing out of my window.

The paper I had been staring at for good 20 minutes now was the application for a work study my school had recommended to me, because I hadn't found anything myself. Not because I'm stupid, just because I had no clue where to go.

You'd think with almost 18 one would know what to do with their life, right? Well, not this girl.

Internship at a Kindergarten, huh?

Being surrounded by snotty loud kids the entire day didn't sound like the ideal working experience, but apparently my school thought that it was just perfect for me.

With a sigh I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples, trying to clear the grey fog in my mind.

I really shouldn't complain and just be grateful that my school looked out for me so well. It was nice, unquestionably.

If only I knew myself a little bit better and had dreams and aspirations to follow, like all the other kids around me.

If only I wouldn't have gotten discouraged with every interest, every oh so little dream I've ever had so quickly. I wouldn't be sitting in my room, close to tears due to the disappointment I brought over myself with not taking initiative for myself - by not being invested enough in anything life had to offer for a young, healthy girl like me.

If only I was someone else.

Ironically enough, just as I thought this an ear numbing sound hollered through the air, making my head whip towards the window from where it was coming from.

A fucking man crashed through my closed window, straight against the wall behind it, destroying the clock I was planning on throwing away anyways.

As his back made contact with the wall a black back pack flung out of his hand and  slid underneath the desk I was still sitting on as if paralyzed.

Wordlessly, my mouth slumped open and I turned my eyes from the man now laying motionless on my bed to the completely broken window and then the thousands of shards scattered at the bottom of said window.

"I live in the tenth level." Were my first (very scandalized sounding) words. For some reason.

Unexpected things happen all of the time. Bad unexpected things happen all of  the time. When someone ends up being involved in a car crash they don't leave the house with a warning in their mind. When your flight get's cancelled on the day of your departure, you packed your luggage the day before anyways. You can't be prepared for most things, honestly.

With Tongues And Teeth ◆ JeonJungkook /ON HOLD/Where stories live. Discover now