Chapter Five: Part of Me

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*Please note that this will be the only chapter from Adrien's point of view. 

"Dude, you okay?" Nino asked. 

I don't remember how I got here. I don't even know who I am. 

All I know is that when I saw that girl, everything fell into place. Everyone's memory of me seemed to be implanted. But her? 

She seemed to genuinely recognize me. 

And I feel like a part of me likes her. Like, like-like. 

But I also feel like a part of me knows who she is. It's like I can feel her emotions. Her mood. Whatever comes next. But that wouldn't make sense. I can barely understand what I'm going through. 

But I'm not sure. When I reach into my memories, all I can see is the smiling, friendly face of a young girl, wearing a hat. Her navy blue hair and her bluebell eyes are beautiful. But as soon as I focus in on a detail, she is gone. 

"Dude?" Nino calls. 

I am snapped out of my trance. 

"Dude, you've been a little out of it these past few weeks." 

"Nino, I know we've been friends for a... while." 

Nino raised an eyebrow. 

"Dude, do you have dementia or something? We've been best friends since we were children!" 

"Pretty sure it's amnesia..." I muttered. 

Nino chuckled. 

"You've been acting strange. First I find you in the rain. Next, I find you in the bakery, not even able to remember my name. I mean, seriously? Are you okay? Do you need a doctor?" Nino asked. 

"It's nothing. Forgot I even asked." I muttered. 

"Adrikins!" Chloe calls. 

"Oh boy. Here comes the elephant!" Nino groans. 

Chloe sauntered over, her costume was awesome, but it didn't fit her personality. 

"I thought you were hanging out with her?" Nino motioned to the girl running away. 

"I thought I was." I murmured. 

"Hey hippie," Chloe looked at him, then scoffed, "Adrien! I've been looking everywhere for you! Where were you?" 

"Hiding from you." I muttered. 

"We need to dance!" she pulled me along, Sabrina tailing her. 

Chloe hugged me closer as I tried to pull away, disgusted at her behavior. 

"So, who made your costume?" I asked, trying to make conversation. 

"Marinette. One of my... roommates." 

"Oh! Was that the girl with the water lily costume?" I asked, trying to be inconspicuous. 

"Yeah, but she's not important right now." she snuggled closer. I looked at Sabrina for help, who just shrugged her shoulders and moved away, taking this opportunity to be away from the demon who had been controlling her. 

The song ended sooner than I thought, which I was grateful for. 

Chloe giggled and waved goodbye. 

"See you again, Adrikins!" she waved goodbye flirtatiously. 

I groaned and mustered a smile. 


I think I took this chance to leave. 

I don't really remember what else was there. 

All I really remember was lying in my bed, and sleeping. 

But something felt weird. My hand, buzzing. I felt like my core was slipping away. I pulled my hand up so I could look at it, but I could only see this purple smoke. 

I screamed. 


Nino was shaking me awake. 

"Dude! You woke up the entire apartment! I have Mrs. Howles knocking on my door! Do you even KNOW how evil she is?" he shuddered. 

"Sorry dude, just had a... nightmare." I murmured. 

"Yeah, whatever dude. You okay, though?" 

"I guess."

"Okay, just promise me you'll stop screaming, alright?" 

I had the sudden urge to get angry. 

But I held it back. I had no idea what was fueling my emotions. They were so off track. 

"I'm so sorry, Nino, but who were my parents?" I rubbed my neck, still unsure. 

Nino smiled softly. 

"Your parents were Emilie and Gabriel Agreste. They were the girl-next door type of neighbors. Sweet, kind, and normal. They raised you like you would see the richest parents raise their kids. You were spoiled, but you never let it go to your head." Nino smiled fondly at the memory. 

"I-I don't remember." 

"Dude, you just came back from the grocery store. And you stopped right outside our house. I don't exactly recall what you were doing there, but you stayed there for at least 3 hours." 

"And then you came in the door. Dripping wet. My mother was freaked out, as she thought you was a monster, or something. She slapped you, but it had no effect. She finally realized it was you." 

I bonked myself on the head playfully. 

"I totally forgot!" I chuckled lightly. 

"You're welcome." Nino smiled. He yawned excessively. 

"It's 3 AM in the morning. Now, get some sleep." 

He closed the door. 

- 5 AM - 

I don't know why I was still awake. 

Her laugh kept me alive. I didn't even feel sleepy. The only thing I felt was the pain. 

I felt like I was dwindling away. Marinette... 

The name sounded so familiar. And yet I felt a pain like something was telling me not to remember her. I was made to obey. And follow. 

Unable to stay awake any longer, my eyes fluttered closed.

"Marinette, come back here!" I laughed. 

I-I don't recall where we were. It was an abandoned village. We were playing hide and seek. Marinette's laugh was cut off abruptly. 

"Stay silent, fairy." 

I turned the corner, to see a man. His beard was long, and he was holding a knife to Mari's throat. 

"Get away from her!" I demanded. 

The man laughed. 

"You? A boy? Protecting a fairy?"  he barked.

"She is my fiancee! She is no fairy!" I lied. 

"You are a human. I can tell. But her? She has a magic aura around her everywhere! She is clearly guilty." 

"She is no fairy! I have proof," I held out the magical charm that Marinette had given me as proof of her love, "here. A magical charm. Used for potions like-" 

"Ha! Now I have proof you were consorting with faeries. Look at the dust on your coat! There is no iron on you! I have to take you in." he dropped Mari, and she fell to the ground, gasping for air. 

"Adrien, please, don't do this-" 

"I'm sorry Mari. I love you." 

I smiled over my shoulder at her, while she knelt helplessly on the ground, pleading for me to come back. 

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