✍Chapter 3✍

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..... Mew's POV .....

I really don't know how it happened or since when but when I noticed I found myself trusting Gulf, just like that, I find myself comfortable around him talking about anything as if I've known him for years when in reality only half a year just passed since I first met him

When he told me that he wants to help me, I was so surprised, he looked understanding and determined to do so, I once ended up going to the restaurant where he was working and I've saw him seriously working, I watched him getting along well with other waiters and being the same as when he is with me

Of course I thought he was acting but I never felt that he faked what he did or said once, my job as a detective taught me how to see through people and Gulf is being real, he is nice, good listening, understanding and sincere, he started telling me everything about his life in his world even things that are supposed to be personal and slowly I also started sharing things with him

I told him about my family who weren't happy with me becoming a detective and so we didn't meet for more than 4 years now, I also told him a little about my days in high school and police academy

At some point it started being fun talking to him, I missed having normal conversation with someone so I was enjoying myself exchanging small random talks with Gulf who surprisingly has many interesting topics as I slowly noticed how amazing he is not to mention how handsome he actually looks especially when I see him after he take a bath

"you are really fit to be an idol" I unconsciously said watching his elegant smooth moves as he walked around , he glanced to me with wide eyes before his expression went dark as he looked away with a small fake smile

"thank you but I really hated that life, I was told that I'm a talented actor and model and worked on being one for almost 9 years and as you know it ended with a disaster, I won't deny that I learned a lot from being an actor thanks to my different roles yet it's a life I don't want to return to"

"I know that famous people have the attention of the whole world and are followed but never imagined that it could be this terrible"

"more than you think" seeing how depressed and hurt he looked made me regret mentioning the idol thing

"did you find smth you like?" I asked wanting to change the mood

"recently I find myself enjoying tutoring students, I also got the chance to help in a kindergarten and it felt great being surrounded by many little angels as I taught them about simple origami (Japanese art of folding paper)"

"that must be it then, it seem what you actually want is being a teacher"

"a teacher... it sound great, before, I was imagining myself getting a job at a company but I never thought about trying other things, unfortunately it's too late for me to be one now"

"don't say that, it's never too late, you can apply for university and study to become a teacher, besides you are very smart so I'm sure you will be able to graduate sooner"

"thank you but applying for a uni isn't easy not to mention I need money and several other things like a laptop and all so I'm fine with just being a tutor"

"stupid, don't give up like that, it's very important to work hard and fulfill your dreams, you finally found what you want so go for it and I will support you"

"I can't bother you anymore than this, it's really fine, I'm grateful for your encouragement and all but I don't want to cause you anymore trouble"

"stop saying that, it's me who wants to do this, you offered to help me and I also want to help you, let me pay for everything you need and then when you finish your studies and get a job you can pay me back, it's your chance to do what you actually want" he looked emotional with surprise and happiness drawn on his face

My Future With You   🢆MewGulf🢇Where stories live. Discover now