✍Chapter 12✍

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..... Mew's POV .....

Right after graduation, Gulf started his job, he looked astonishing as a teacher, the job just fit him and he was liked by everyone, once when I was waiting for him outside I overheard some of his students talking about how fun and exciting being in Gulf's class

He is indeed a wonderful person, well I sometimes end up getting jealous seeing him getting along with other teachers but I know that he would only look at me and the rest are just friends for him

I wanted to wait for another couple of months until he completely settle in his new job before talking about adopting two kids yet I become in charge of a case that lead us in creating a family sooner than I planned


It started on the 3rd of October, I got a call at 2 in the morning, I sleepily took my phone and got out of the bedroom not wanting to wake up Gulf, I was surprised to see the team leader name on the screen

"hello" I said yawning

"Mew, I'm sorry for calling you this late but it's an emergency and the place is so close to your new house" the team leader said with an apologetic yet urgent voice

"what's going on?" I asked standing next to the stairs

"we just got a call from an old lady saying that smth bad is happening at her neighbor's house and she is worried since she lives alone and can't do anything, apparently she kept hearing crying of two children and some broken glass, I already send a dispatch but it will take them about 15 min to get there"

"I will go check, send me the location"

"it's only 5 min away from you by foot"

"I'm on my way" I quickly wore a shirt, took my badge and gun, just when I was going to leave, Gulf woke up and when he heard that there is children he also quickly wore his clothes and accompanied me

We quickly ran toward the house, I was surprised since this neighborhood is supposed to be a very safe one, mostly rich people live here and each house is highly secured, this house is no different, it was two floored big house with a large garden surrounding it, I saw the old women watching from a window looking dead worried pointing toward one lighted room in the second floor

"wait here" I said to Gulf before jumping over the fortunately low fence and slowly walking around checking the outside before reaching the front door, I rang the bell several times and knocked but no one opened the door, I put my ears to the door and that's when I heard the faint muffled cry of a child

"I'm forcing my way in" I told Gulf who was on call with my team leader, broke the close window and jumped inside, I slowly walked around with my gun peeking into a room after room before going upstairs, I checked all the dark rooms before getting to the one with the lights on

What I noticed is that everything in this house seemed very old and dusty, it's like no one lived here for years and all the rooms upstairs except for one were empty, I focused on the muffled cry that got clearer and was accompanied by a weeping of another child, I pushed the door and jumped inside swiftly aiming my gun to be shocked by the scene I found

There was two little children hugging each other in the corner of the room next to the window, one of them was clearly hurt, there was a broken wine bottle near the bed with blood mixing with the shards I checked around the room before heading toward them

"don't be scared, I'm here to help you" I said kneeling next to them, one looked like a 5 years old boy and his little brother was almost 2 years old, they were shivering with a messy faces with tears, the older brother's feet were bleeding

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