i wanna be yours

59 4 11

warning - smut

Sebastian sat at the brightly lit bar, swirling the whiskey glass he had placed in his hand. He tapped his metal ring on the glass, making a clink sound which was barely heard over the club music.

He peered through the crowd, catching sight of you latched onto a slim lanky man who's arms were wrapped around your waist. Your back was pressed against him as you guided his hands around your body.

He watched as you guided the mystery boy's hands from your waist to your stomach, leaving them placed on your abdomen. From the dancing and the hands roaming your body, the hem of your dress began rising slightly higher, barely covering anything.

Sebastian was furious. The two of you had never made anything official so truly he had no right to be mad. Yet something about watching the mans hand get dangerously close to your near exposed breast sent an uneasy feeling through him.

He wanted you to be his and his only.

Sebastian rolled his eyes and cursed under his breath as he noticed his black pants began to tighten around his crotch, angry with himself for letting you get the best of him.

Once the mystery boy placed his hands near your ass, Sebastian gave in. He aggressively placed his empty whiskey glass on the marble bar counter top and lurched out of his seat, stumbling through the crowd to make his way towards you.

You spotted him before he was close and could sense his anger from where you were. A sinister look overtook your face as a probably terrible idea came to mind. You turned around to face the boy and put your hands on the side of his neck, pulling him into a sloppy kiss.

The kiss was nothing special, no passion or intimacy, just sloppiness with a stranger from a club. You felt his hands grip just below your ass, tightening around the back of your thighs.

Before the kiss could progress, you felt a strong hand and a hint of metal grip around your forearm, pulling you away from the boy's lips. You jerked your head back and became face to face with a furious Sebastian, anger filling his eyes.

"Excuse us." Sebastian yanked you from the man and you lightly smiled in success, not in a rude way but more so knowing the affect you had on him kind of way. You let him lead you through the crowd, then into a dark hallway, then finally an empty room.

He pushed you in and you stumbled through the dimly lit room, hearing the door slam shut along with the faint sound of him locking it.

Before you could even turn around yourself, Sebastian placed a hand in your shoulder and turned you around to face him. It all happened so fast yet next thing you knew he had pushed you against a wall, his body pressed harshly against yours.

His chest raised up and down against yours as you strained your neck to look up at him, considering he was practically a foot taller than you. The dim red light illuminated his face, defining every shadow from the arch of his nose to his jawline. Just from his breath echoing off of you, your lace panties already were drenched for him.

"What the hell we're you doing?" Sebastian asked, venom spewing out of his mouth. You looked up through your false lashes, innocently batting your eyes at his steel blue ones.

"Dancing. Was there a problem?" You replied as if you had no idea why he was angry. Suddenly you felt something press against your core as he moved in closer to you, realizing that it was his erection peeking through his pants.

"What, you jealous?" You asked with a smile. His expression didn't change as his hands were placed on either side of your head, enclosing you in front of him.

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