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warning - really fucking sad

I sat there on my couch, legs propped up on the coffee table in front of me as I scrolled through Instagram.

Everything was about him. His new movie, his new love interest, his new life, his new home.

I couldn't bare to wrap my head around it. The person who I fell in love with moving to an entire different country. While he's gaining a new home I feel like I'm losing my own.

I have no reason to be mad or upset. Nothing ever happened between us. We were both always head over heels for each other but we never got the timing right. Whether I was in a relationship or he was in a relationship, we just seemed to always pick the worst times.

But we both knew. It may have taken us far too long to realize, but eventually we both understood what we had together.

The flirty friends who always wished they were more. The love story that ended too soon. Maybe it was a love story that didn't even make it past the first chapter.

The worst thing I've ever experienced is loving someone but losing them before you ever got to tell them. We played this silly game for years of deny deny deny and now I'm losing him because of that.

A knock from my apartment door snapped me out of my thoughts. I blinked out of my trance and hesitantly stood up and walked towards the door. To be fair, it was nearly midnight and I had no idea who would be here this late.

As I slowly opened the door, I could see him standing with his stupid blue eyes and fluffy brown hair. His towering body over mine in the black jacket I always adored but would never admit. His eyes were puffy and nose red while his hands were dug in his jacket pocket.

He isn't supposed to be here. I thought he left.

"Hi." He croaked, his voice hoarse and and cracked. My mouth was left agape, my eyes lingering over his features.

"Hi." My voice was the same as his as I had been crying for hours on end to the point I feel like I couldn't shed another tear.

The silence between us was weighted, my finger discreetly twisting the hem of my oversized t-shirt.

"Can I come in?" He asked, his eyes fixated on the ground. I knew I should say no, I knew I shouldn't let him because I'd never want him to leave. But still, I nodded and gestured for him to come in.

Sebastian walked past me as I shut the door, shutting my eyes harshly once my back was facing him. I turned around, the light through the window illuminating his face. His blue eyes glistened in the moon light, and I know this is such a cliche, but I truly got lost in them.

I don't know how long it was before one of us said something, but it felt like an eternity. Like both of us had the words on the tip of our tongue but couldn't seem to get it out.

"My flight got moved to 7 in the morning." He kept his eyes focused on anything but mine and his arms were now at his sides. I crossed mine over my chest and nodded my head slightly. "Okay."

I kept my eyes on the kitchen counter behind him, anxiously tapping my finger on my bicep.

Sebastian sighed as he turned his head to the side and looked out the window. After about a minute he turned back and said, "We didn't get to say goodbye."

I was taken aback by what he said, although he had a point. We hadn't gotten a proper goodbye. Chris Evans threw him a going away party and everyone was there yet I kept my distance from him because, as I said, I knew if I saw him I couldn't say goodbye.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2021 ⏰

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