School | Tony Stark ⎊

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"Wanda, Pietro, y/n, Peter come on guys or you'll be late!" Tony shouted from the bottom of the stairs.
Peter swung above me down the tall hallway and landed right on top of Pietro who had sped out from the kitchen as Wanda accidentally hit me with a floating rucksack as I flew down the stairs.
"Jeez Wands watch it dude!"
"Oop sorry y/n I didn't see you"
I quickly landed chucking my trainers on and waiting for Peter to move so I could grab my jumper.
"Pete move!" Obviously he took even longer and started to pull annoying faces at me instead. I was about to blast him but I suddenly heard mr Stark enter the hallway.
"Right guys! What have I told you about powers?" The four of us stood there rolling our eyes, knowing the answer as we heard it whenever our powers got annoying.
"Don't use them at school" we all mumbled.
"Exactly. We don't want any kids getting jealous" followed by more eye rolls "don't roll your eyes please otherwise you're walking! Now if you buck up your attitude Nats waiting outside in the car for you"
The last few minutes before we left the compound for school was always a rush. Everyone scrabbling for shoes, coats, bags or fighting over the mirror next to the front door. It was usually companied by Pietro speeding around worrying about last minute homework that he'd have to do in the car or Wanda flying pieces of stationary above our heads into her pencil case.
"Oh my god please hurry up! I have work to do hurry hurry hurry! Cmon cmon!" Stark barked.
We eventually got in a sort of line and waited to leave.
"Right Wanda, goodbye witch, here's your lunch. Vegan of course" Stark said handing Wanda a bento box filled with some sort of random vegan meal that pepper had managed to throw together. "And please try not to send any flying pencils at Marcus today"
"Wha- he was being-"
" I don't wanna hear it. Be good. Right, Pietro, lunch, homework and good luck with track today I'm sure you'll do amazingly" Pietro rolled his eyes at the joke, to be honest so did I, we practically heard it every day but Tony still found it hilarious.
"Thanks Mr Stark"
"Peter, y/n goodbye dudes, have fun at school - make sure you blow something up for me in science will ya!"
"Yes Tony" I responded laughing "but it's your fault if i get told off!  Cmon Pete"
And with that the chaos of the four teens left the house and was handed to Natasha and school.

This is such a random chapter lmao I just randomly had the idea of Tony sending all the teens off to school lols.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2021 ⏰

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