X: Find You

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He loomed over Colin, deciding exactly how to end his life.

Colin shuddered, fear racing around his mind. Surely, Lindsay, his girlfriend, his flatmate, his best friend, his soul mate, was worried that he hadn't come home yet? Or was she with his brother? They'd been spending a lot of time together recently, and Colin was anxious that she was cheating on him.

With his own brother.

While their mother remained missing.

But now Colin knew what had happened to her. This man had kidnapped and killed her the same way he'd kill Colin soon enough. But there was no-one he could tell, because his fate was sealed.

The man lunged, stabbing Colin directly in the throat, then pulling the blade out again. Blood gushed everywhere, making everything a murderous red. He then released Colin and laid him on the floor, preparing.

Desperately, Colin tried to stay concious, but he could feel himself slipping away. He had to know.

"Who-o- arrre yoouu?" Colin spluttered, as he was coughing blood.

Smiling with sinister satisfaction, he bent down so his mouth was level with Colin's ear.

He said his name.

Colin gasped, causing him to swallow the blood, choking.

He stood up, and stamped down on Colin's throat. He knew now, he couldn't live.

Colin had to die.

Kneeling back down again, he picked up his trusty knife and cut into Colin's face. He drew out the grid, and placed a single X into the top right box. His work was done. He stood back admiring his work, like a masterpiece at an art gallery.

Picking up Colin's mangled body, he slung it over his shoulder. Humming the same tune as before, he carried Colin to his car.

He drove until he was far away.

Then, he deposited Colin's body in an alleyway, leaving it for the rat's and stray cat's to find.

"So, another bodies been found, but in an alleyway this time. I want reports, ID, family, everything, as soon as possible, okay? Get started" Hunter stepped down from his stage, and walked over to Jenn. She was scribbling on some paper.

"What you got there Jasper?" He asked, wanting to know a lot more than he let on.

"Err, just some stuff about the case" Jenn partly lied. Some of her paperwork was to do with the case, but the majority was irrelevant. Personal.

"So what you got?" Hunter persisted, knowing she was lying but not letting on.

 "I....err.....got that the killer has probably left another mark on his victim, as is common with serial killers" Hunter stared at her, and Jenn had to keep a straight face. Did he know she was lying?

 "Right, let's go see the new body!" Hunter offered, sounding quite happy about the prospect.

 "It's a date" Jenn replied with a wry smile, then realised what she'd done. He'd think it was a date now. She looked at him to see if he'd taken it seriously, and he hadn't. Jenn sighed with relief.

Then remembered.

She'd got a real date tonight.

"As you can see, the same incisions as last time, only now, there's a cross in the top left corner."

"And you're sure their connected, the killings I mean"

"Well, I can't really tell this early, but I'd make a guess to say they were"

"Of course they are!" Hunter snapped, butting into Jenn and Eric's (the examiner) conversation "Any idiot can see that. They have the same marks on the face!"

"Hunter" Jenn nudged him with her elbow, telling him to shush, so she could hear the rest of the conversation.

"I'll keep working on it, and you'll be the first ones I tell if I find anything new" Eric told them, and went to go work on the body more.

Jenn and Hunter walked back to their section of the building in silence. Jenn was thinking about what she would wear on her date tonight. With Mr_PG18.

Okay, Internet dating hadn't proved that successful in the past for Jenn, but she was willing to be optmistic to find herself a man. And this new guy she had met sounded fantastic. Charming, but humble. Fun, but not giddy. Confident, but not big headed. This one could be a winner. As BizeeB83, she had found herself a nice guy.

"You've got a date tonight" Hunter declared, breaking the silence.

"What?!" Jenn squeaked "No, no I haven't"

"Yes you have" Hunter decided to explain his accusation "You have all the big date nervous girl symptoms"

 "Such as?"

"Red faced, sweating, biting her lip, avoiding eye contact, arms crossed, trapped in own thoughts, bad liar. I mean, the rest are bad enough, but c'mon Jasper, I use to think you were a brilliant liar, and now you can't even look at me and lie. Bad, Jasper, just plain bad"

"Fine, yes I do have a date. Why do you care?" Jenn confessed

"I don't" Hunter looked away from her and Jenn smirked.

"Aww, Hunter baby, don't get jealous, now, you know you're my fayyyyyvourite guy" Jenn cooed

"Nah, I'm not jealous. I just wanted to hear you admit that I was your favourite. Goodnight Jasper, have fun on your date, hope he at least stays for the starter"

Jenn's jaw dropped at his rudeness, and he laughed. Hunter walked round the corridor, out of Jenn's sight. She ran her fingers through her messy hair, and hoped she would have at least 2 hours to get ready.

It would take that long.

BizeeB83 is now online

Mr_PG18 is now online

BizeeB83: Hi :) just wanted to check we were still okay for 2nite

Mr_PG18: Yeah, I'm still k wiv it. R u?

BizeeB83: Yes. Cant wait. C u there x

Mr_PG18: Cant wait either. C u l8r 2nite xx

BizeeB83: *Blush*

Mr_PG18: Ha. bye bye beautiful.

BizeeB83 is now offline.

Mr_PG18 is now offline.

 Jenn smoothed down her dress as she walked into the restaurant. She stumbled slightly in her heels, making her heart race more. Being a detective, she'd told people where she was going on her date, after all it was someone she'd met online, he could be anyone. But Jenn felt sure that he was gonna be perfect. 

Just Perfect.

And there he was. A lone man, sat at a table. He turned around, and saw her stood there. He smiled at her, waving at her to walk over.

Jenn straightened her dress.

This was it.

Smiling back, Jenn walked over.





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