Sitting, Waiting, and Watching

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“Oh Jenn, I knew you’d know it was me. Now we can be together” Greg told her, but Jenn shook her head, moving her dirty blonde hair out of her eyes.

“No, Greg, or Sebastian, whoever you are. You’ve killed innocent people, I can’t. But” Hunter and Greg jumped when Jenn said ‘But’- Hunter in horror and confusion, Greg in delight and pleasure.

“But what my beloved?” Greg asked, pleading with his eyes.

“If you turn yourself in, and let your brother-“

“Half brother!” Greg snapped

“Fine, let your half brother go, then I’ll think about it” Jenn lied, her hands shaking.

“No Jenn. I can’t do that, because if I do I’ll never see your beautiful face again” Greg reached out his hand to touch her face, but Jenn looked away.

“You faked your own death, how?” Jenn inquired, still not looking at Greg.

“Simple. I used all the money I got from the company that he now owns” Greg pointed to the slumped figure of Leonard, and pulled a nasty face “And bribed a couple doctors to fake some certificates. Easier than you’d think”

“Okay. What about the rest of the blood letters? What happened to them? And how did you get them in?” Jenn quizzed, mentally taking notes of everything Greg was saying, hoping that Hunter was too.

“Getting them in was easy. Just slipped them in the mail cart, with your pretty address and desk number on it” Greg grinned at Jenn, and she gave a small, fake half smile back.

“What about the other 2, you know, 6 Down 3 to go? Or what about 8 down, 1 to go? ”

“You never got the letters?” Greg, asked confused, “Then what were you doing at the house? The letter’s asked you to meet me at the house!”

Jenn dithered, and Greg looked angry.

“So what happened to the letters?” Hunter wondered aloud, and Greg and Jenn turned to look at him. Hunter shrugged “It’s only a question”

“Good point, small fry” Greg answered, and Hunter mouthed ‘Small fry?’ at Jenn, which made her smile. It faded though when Greg stomped over to Leonard, and began rummaging through his pockets. Greg discovered a mobile, and grinned, then shoved it inside his own pocket.

Then, he produced the last 2 letters, and Jenn’s stomach flipped, knowing what was inside them.

“So why were you at the house?” Greg repeated, after throwing the letters at Jenn.

Jenn bent down to scoop them up, and so she could avoid Greg’s eyes.

“WHY WERE YOU AT THE HOUSE?!” Greg demanded, grabbing Jenn by the scruff of her neck. Jenn whimpered. “You were there to arrest me, weren’t you? WEREN’T YOU?!?!”

“Yes! YES! I’M SORRY GREG!” Jenn screamed, as she was thrown back towards Hunter.

“No, Jenn, I’m not Greg. My name is Sebastian Leftley, and for 2 years, 8 months and 4 days I was dead. But I wasn’t. Because for those 2 years, 8 months and 4 days, I was living as Greg Hutchins, or as you knew me better, Mr_PG18. Yes because for 2 months of that 2 years, 8 months and 4 days, I was chatting you up, making my every move more and more irresistible to you. And when we met and I purposed, you made me the happiest man on earth. But of course, you were never really mine, were you?”

Greg paused for a moment.

He turned from the light, and now his face was shrouded in darkness. Jenn and Hunter could only see the whites of Greg’s eyes, which made Jenn uncomfortable. Greg scowled, as Jenn and Hunter were huddled up together.

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