Period hacks 🩸

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Oh, so your here for some hacks? Period hacks? I GOTCHU 😩🖐🏼

Let's start with a basic period hack. THE DIY PAD, it might not word the same as normal pads. But, it will come in handy some day 🤷‍♀️  So your probably wondering what this 'DIY pad' is, this is basically what it is: just roll up a bunch of toilet paper up, and put it in the middle of your underwear, where you would usually put your pad. Change it every 2 - 3 hours.  BUT if you have a school nurse GO CHECK IN WITH HIM OR HER!! They might have extra pads and tampons !!

Some girls get embarrassed. when you are in the bathroom stall, and you want to open a pad, but when you try to, it makes SO much of noise, well, number one, don't be embarrassed. Probably most of the girls got their period, or if not. I have a little trick . . .

For this little life hack, you will need: scissors, and a pad.

Basically when you hold an unopened pad, on the sides of the packet you can see indents. Kind of like a pattern. Well, little did you know, that's what's making all the noise. So, just snip off those ends, and do not cut the actual pad. but, before you take the new pad to school, try opening it at home to test it out first. No noise, no embarrassment 🙈 

Hide your pads and tampons in you sleeves, shoes, pant sleeves or even your bra.

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