I don't like this new feeling..

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[ᴛʀᴀᴠɪꜱ'ꜱ ᴘᴏᴠ]

7:35 - Oh god, should I even be doing this? No, no Travis shut up, If you give up now you might never tell him! I pace back and forth between the turnoff to the apartments and the turnoff to the schoolground. I should just go to school, yeah, he's going to school today anyways, unless he chooses to not show up again.. ughhh, I groan and grab my sides "stupid fucking feelings" I don't even know if he's into.. guys like me, or guys in general! I really didn't think this through, what if my dad catches me outside of school?.. my heart basically drops to my stomach, y'know what? I'll just shut up and start walking. I close my eyes and take a large step forward towards the apartments, that wasn't that bad, I feel my hopes get up until I practically jump out of my skin when I open my eyes to find the dumb blue haired boy standing In front of me, "Uh Travis? why were you walking with your eyes closed?", "Because I am you fucking blueberry.. now leave me alone" I say before running towards the apartments breathing heavily, "ow.. my fucking ribs" I hug myself gently before resting on the side of the building, If anyone knew what Fathers been doing to me and what he started underneath the church, Things would be so much different. I hear distant chatter on the floor above me, and only now realize that I'm outside the apartments, I've never even here before how do I expect to find fucking Johnsons room?! I push my bangs out of my face  and turn the corner to what looked like the entrance, I was greeted by a taller, female version of Larry in a janitors outfit? "Hey blondie, haven't seen you around here, hope you don't mind me calling you that haha, did you just move in?" she said wiping sweat off her forehead, slightly offended I scrunched my face before responding with "No ma'am just trying to find a lanky, metalhead, brunette who has something of mine-", she cuts me off "oh you mean Larry? Larry Johnson? that's my son actually!" she reaches out gesturing for my hand, "Nice to officially meet you Mr....?" she looks up at me waiting for a response, "Uh...oh uhm, Travis, Travis Phelps" I say grabbing her hand she kinda smells like Larry.. "I'm Lisa! and you'd be Mr. Phelps?", My eyes widen and I yank my hand away from her "Where!?" I practically yell, startling poor Lisa, only realizing after that she was referring to my last name and not my father, "Sorry I-I don't know what got into me hah.." She flashes a smile a me "That's alright son,  OH SHIT" she glances at her watch before grabbing her cart full of cleaning gear, "I'm terribly sorry I was supposed to be on the 3rd floor helping one of the residents at this apartment, but if you take one of these keycards here and go to the ground floor Larry should still be there, knowing him, he's still in bed, but I hope you have a great rest of your day and I if my son doesn't give back what he's supposed to return just call me over I'll deal with him!" she says the whole way from me to the elevator, I almost forgot to say anything before the elevator doors closed "Uh thank you, and to you too!" I feel my chest get tighter when I looked down and  felt the keycard in my hand. No turning back now I say to myself walking towards the elevator door with somewhat confidence. she said ground floor right? I reassure myself before cautiously pushing the button that has a big green "G" on it, I assume his room would be noticeable.. I gasp when the elevator started moving downwards, I don't know what I was expecting, its a fucking elevator Travis, its going to move! I whisper yell at myself before I hear the doors ease open and the basement air waves in, guess this is his floor.. I take a deep breath and walk up to the green door, knocking gently I waited for a response, a gravely voice says "It's unlocked.." so I let myself in cautiously and close the door behind me, only to turn around to find a shirtless,  messy haired, bug eyed, metalhead starring at me like he had just seen a ghost, I can feel my face getting warms when began to slowly pan downwards starting from his neck, past his pierced nipples that I never noticed, he even had hair lining his somewhat abs leading down past his waistband.. almost lost in thought I fumbled with my words "I-I'm here to ask a favor of you Johnson!" sticking my index finger out to point at the half naked man in front of me. I tried to sound formal but instead sounded like a blubbering mess, god I should have prayed for confidence.. He just stood there, starring at me, but then closed his eyes as if he was relieved, opening them, he then leaned forward are said, "This is clearly a dream Trav, I'm not buying it"

He calmly threw his towel over his shoulder, walked towards me and held my chin up to face him as he said..

[ʟᴀʀʀʏ'ꜱ ᴘᴏᴠ]

"I like seeing you like this, all embarrassed and cute looking.." He's driving me wild, I can feel my pants getting tighter by the second. I reach behind him to lock the door before I even think about doing anything to innocent little Travis

~stay tuned~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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