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Daleth - isle

Ayin - Prairie

Teth - forest

Samekh - valley (sah is the male twin and mek is the female twin)

Tsadi - wasteland/ golden desert

Lamed - vault

Alef - king

A peaceful day in eden, alef had invited the elders, Daleth, Ayin, Teth, Sah, Mek, Tsadi, and Lamed to dine with him in celebration of the 122 anniversary of the building of their kingdom. Suddenly, the ground shook, the lights went out, and the elders were terrified. A large, long, spiky creature emerged from the ground, its large wings like giant abysses, blocking out light, its massive claws indenting the ground. Then, was the birth of Igon.

The krills and crabs began emerging, along with the children of Igon.

The krills and crabs began emerging, along with the children of Igon

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(Not my art)

The rocks and red crystal that were kicked up by the strong winds, the struck alef and weakened the other elders. "Stand with me, and fight!", he said. And with the help of the other elders, he used most of his light to extinguish the dark of almost all of Igon's children, and Igon himslef. As Igon turned to stone, he stretched his wings, and blocked out the sun from ever reaching eden again. Alef fell to the ground, "You must go, flee to safety, I wont make it, but parts of me will." He said, as he split into millions of small pieces of light, which flew into the sky, and became the stars.

One century later, 100 stars fell, creating spirits. The spirits served the elders. Those residing in the golden desert were attacked by the advancing darkness. Many of the spirits died out, and became memories. Some completely faded. The next century, another 100 fell. They were the moths. They brought back the spirits, and made friends with eachother. After another century, another 100 fell, and they were the children of the light. They and some moths charged through eden, many failing, but they lived. After a while of continues eden runs, they got weak, and those who didn't stop, were on the verge of death.

So the elders had each child and moth give a peice of light, which were sent into the sky, to make the strongest children, the children of alef. But when the came, the came in smalle groups, but continuesly, and without capes. Only after a decade would each get a cape. So then began the age, the age of alef's revival.

"So that's our story?"

"Yes, but you get to choose whats next in your own story."

the child with a black capeWhere stories live. Discover now