the plan

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Eliyen pov

I awoke to the calls of birds and the laughs of the others. I got up and walked to the manta stables, my back pack in hand. I flew to the golden wasteland and let the manta go back to the stables. I walked back to the boat. I flipped my cape over to the black side, and I waited on the beach until albyn spotted me. "Hey buddy, I brought you a book, we can read it together.", I said, holding up the book, 'King of the ashes', it was about alef and his fall. Albyn curled around me, using his light as a lamp. I leand back on his cold, spiky body, never the less it was comfortable.

As I finished, I looked to albyn. "I heard that krills rarely die, tell me, have you been there since the beginning?", i asked. He grumbled and nodded. "So that means, your... really old.", I said giggling. Albyn walked me with his tail lightly. "I'm sorry al, I didn't mean it like that!", I said, still giggling. "But seriously, it's incredible that you witnessed the whole thing. What was it like?", albyn lowered his head and I looked into his blue light, when everything around me faded....

It was dark, cold, the next thing I saw was the chaos of it all. I was attacked by the forest elder. She grabbed my horns and crashed me into a wall, chipping my horn, and causing me to lack out and fall into the polluted stream.
I awoke to crabs surrounding me, and I was on a beach. There was a ship wreck, and do I decided to guide it.
I don't, know what's on it, I just feel the need to protect it.

"Wow.", I whispered, "Did I just relive your memory?"

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