Chapter Two : Persephone's P. O. V

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I was furious. Some monster wanted to kill me just because my 'brother' killed her once. I don't even have a brother! Suddenly, a boy wielding a bronze sword stepped out of the trees. He had black hair and sea green eyes, just like me. Could he be my long-lost brother or something? "Stay back," he warned me.

He looked at the monster with distaste. "Tammi. I was hoping that you would stay dead for longer."

Before the monster - no, Tammi, I reminded myself - could reply, he slashed his sword and cut her in half. She exploded into dust.

"Are you okay?" he asked me. He helped me up, but I collapsed. "My ankle!" I moaned. He took a good look at it. "Definitely broken." He fished around his pockets and brought out some squares of pastry. "Eat one. You'll feel better. I'm Percy Jackson, by the way." I took one. "My name is Persephone. Have you seen my twin, Phoebe? We got separated along the way."
"She came into camp a few minutes ago." Pecy assured me.
Relieved, I took a bite of the pastry. It tasted like noodles. My ankle felt much better. "This stuff is amazing!" As we walked into camp, he explained that Greek mythology was real, and the monster was an empousa. I believed that, since what I had seen today had warped my sense of what is real and what isn't.
"We're Half-bloods, more commonly known as demigods. I'm a son of Poseidon." Percy said.
"Who's my godly parent?" I asked. He didn't reply. His eyes were glued to something above my head. I looked up. There, floating above my head, was a glowing blue trident.

I hope you like the story so far😄! I love torturing readers with cliffhangers 😏! *gasp* Am I turning into Rick Riordan😲?

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