Chapter 25 - Star Stone Dreamer

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Mike gave up trying to wake up and left his room, deciding he would try to gain information on where Trisha might have gone to

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Mike gave up trying to wake up and left his room, deciding he would try to gain information on where Trisha might have gone to. An Ice Man guard was outside his chamber door and led Mike to the commander in the hospital wing. Mike saw the commander leaning over who must have been the Ice King. He was not a solid mass like the other Ice Men he had met. It was like his icy layer had been melted away between his rocky parts, leaving deep cracks. The commander looked up and then told the Ice King Mike was there. He put his ear down close to the Ice King to hear his words. Then he looked up again and motioned for Mike to come over.

"He needs to speak to you." The commander told him. "He is very weak and can only whisper his words."

Mike nodded understanding and sat next to the King, where the commander had just been. "I'm Mike. Trisha's friend." He wanted to say boyfriend, but it didn't seem appropriate in this situation.

"I'm Otzil... King of the Ice Men." He whispered. Mike barely could hear him. "I'm dying. I... I need you..." He coughed, spitting up thick blue blood. The commander moved toward him, but the King waved him back. Then he continued. "I want you to give this to Trisha." He pointed at a stone hanging from his neck. He pulled it loose and put it in Mike's hand. They locked eyes for a moment, then the King's eyes glazed over and he was gone.

Mike moved back away as the commander and others rushed to the King. He looked down at the stone necklace the King had placed in his hand, feeling the power flowing from it. As the Ice Men worked on trying to bring the King back, he left, heading back to his room. He wished the King had told him what the stone was. He reached his door and walked inside. It was dark in the room. A single torch burned on the far side. Then he felt a sharp object poking into his back.

"Give me the firestone nice and easy or you 're a dead man." A woman's voice whispered into his right ear. Slowly, Mike placed it in her left hand that was wrapped around him from the back, palm up. As the stone struck the woman's hand, it burst into flame.

"Zada!" Mike said.

Mike was spun around and ruffly pushed up against the door, a knife at his neck and a flaming hand pointed at his face. "Hi handsome." Zada smiled.

She was exquisite, Mike couldn't help but notice. Long blond hair hanging down over her left shoulder, deep blue eyes, and pouty lips. A slim but strong body with perfect curvature in all the right places. If a young man was to have his life threatened, this wasn't a bad way to have it happen.

"Why are you helping the Wraith Queen." Mike finally regained his wits and asked. He felt a little guilty for checking her out, but guys just can't help themselves when a pretty girl has them pinned up against the wall, he thought.

"So handsome and strong." Zada said, extinguishing the flame and rubbing her hand over Mike's chest, the necklace hanging on her arm. "I can see what Trisha likes about you." She pressed her body up against him, smiling up into his face. Mike looked down with his eyes, unable to move his head down with the knife at his throat.

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