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Anne POV

"Anne I love you!" Said a blushing.

"I-I love you too" Anne said grabbing Marcy's soft hands.

They say together in a grassy field looking into eachothers eyes. They leaned closer for a kiss when-

"Anne wake up!" Said Sprig,"Marcy is here!"

Anne jumped up and immediately started blushing

It was a dream? But it felt so real!

Anne started having a crush on Marcy a few years back. She had always tried to hold back her feelings so their friendship wasnt ruined.

It was pretty easy for the most part, but ever since she found in newtopia she always felt flustered around her. She kept having dreams of her when she would go to sleep.

Anne looked out the window to see Marcy and Maddie talking while walking towards the house.

Okay Anne, you gotta get your act together.

Anne walked to the opened the door and greeted the two visitors.

"Hey um quick question." Marcy said cutting to the chase,"Could we have some Salamander mushrooms? It's for a love potion."

"Um sure," Anne stuttered,"Just dont tell hop pop."

"Ok we'll be on our way then!" Marcy said excitedly,"You wanna come with?

"Ok, it's getting boring around anyway."

Marcy grabbed Anne's hand running out of the house. Anne starting blushing.

They ran to Maddie's house to add the mushrooms to the potion.

"Ok, lastly we need a sweat gland!" Said marcy who was already was reading off more

"Oh, here," Said Anne.

She wiped her face and put it in the cauldron. She fell back as it started boiling.

Pink coming out as the ingredients mixed. Maddie put it in a glass bottle.

"So how do we know if it worked? "asked Anne.

Marcy smiled and drank it out of the bottle.

Anne was expecting something crazy to happen but Marcy just was the same as usual.

"Huh," Marcy stared,"I gues it didn't wor-"

Suddenly marcy fell to the ground and blacked out.

Love Potion AUWhere stories live. Discover now