A very normal morning

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*Megan had slept hard all night, but her dreams were troubled. She felt like she couldn't breath at all. When she awoke, she found the source of this. There was a cat on her chest, purring loudly. It was a soft calico cat. Kyoko was with them so it was safe to say she brought the cat*

"Hey there little one-" she reached for her collar and it said "Ramirez", property of Kyoko Kirigiri. Definitely her cat.

"Ramirez, what a weird name for a female cat..."

"Named after Richard Ramirez. Famous serial killer." Kyoko was awake it turns out, and had named her cat after a Satanist...

"She's cute- wait a serial- whatever."

Sayaka was out of the dorm, but Megan didn't think much of it. She got up and got ready for the day. It was Sunday so she didn't have many plans. After she got changed and did her hair she left to go eat breakfast. She went to the dining hall and saw that Sayaka was sitting and chatting with Toko and Celestia. She looked around and could not find Olivia so she assumed she'd gone home. She sat next to Peko.

"Where's Olivia?"

"Still asleep. It's past 10, she should be awake by now."

"Nah she normally sleeps till past 12."

"That's more than half the day waisted!"

"Meh... she stays up late so it all levels out."

Peko tilts her head sideways. "She woke up kinda later after she passed out, or maybe she was half sleep-talking, she kept complimenting someone, not sure who."

Just then Olivia opened the door to the dining hall and took a seat next to Megan. Her eyes had large purple bags under them, more than usual and she was just about falling asleep in her cereal.

"Rough night?" Megan asked. "I heard you were complimenting someone."

Olivia turned a bit red but stayed silent, quickly glancing at Peko and then back at her breakfast.

Megan chuckled. "Cough cough simp cough cough cough cough."

"Are you choking?" Peko looked ready to get up and help.

"No I'm ok, I'm gonna go back to my dorm."

Olivia glanced nervously at Peko and then at Megan as if to say "I can't talk to her alone-"


Megan got back to the dorm, where she found sayaka sitting on the bunk bed. Megan sat down and opened her phone, ready to read some fics.

"Hey Megan," Sayaka started "What was the name of that song? It was really good."

"Oh dreamy night, It's one of my favorites. I'm glad you liked it."

"Yeah..." Megan had never seen Sayaka at such a loss for words, she seemed to be struggling to make small talk.

A sharp knock on the door interrupted their conversation, Sayaka got up to get it and opened it to a very frazzled Olivia.

"Megan I don't know why you left me there but now I've got her.... Oh haiiiii Sayaka, is Megan there?"

"Yeah she's right here, but I think I need to hear this too."

Olivia shrugged and walked in the room, sitting down on the floor.

"I think I have a girlfriend... maybe-"

<end of Chapter 5>

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