The Invitation

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Megan woke up to her alarm sound yelling at her "Ayaka Ayaka Ayaka!". She shut it off and sighed.

"Oh fuck it's Saturday wholey shit." She groaned and slipped back under her blanket. She was almost about to go back to sleep when something poked her on the shoulder. Someone? It was Kyoko.

"Hello Megan. Sayaka asked me to give every one of the girls... and Chihiro this invitation to a... 'night on the town'. Oh wait do you know about-"

"Yes I do." Megan cut in.

"Ok, all the girls and Chihiro get this invitation. Please take it so I can go find out where Olivia lives so they can come as well. Sayaka insisted they come as they are your friend. I am off now."

"Wait I can just-" Megan tried to stop her but it was too late. She took a big breath in and took a very overdramatic breath out. Megan eventually woke up fully and looked at the invitation. It looked like this:

Megan chuckled at the invitation and set it on her dresser

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Megan chuckled at the invitation and set it on her dresser. She then fell back down on her bed, setting an alarm for 4:00 pm and went back to sleep.

*Time Jump*

Megan woke up to her alarm and someone humming in her bathroom. She didn't want to fully wake up but did shut off her alarm. She brushed her hair back and blinked hard a few times to see clearly, then grabbed her glasses because she's fucking blind. She opened her phone and saw a lot of notifications from Olivia. This wasn't out of the ordinary but she had a feeling she knew what it was about. She opened the notifications.


Hey Megan




Megan im scared

and concerned

did you tell her where i live

oh well


im exited for this... hangout ig

do you know if peko will be there?

ok ill stop bugging you lmao.



but yes ig

anyway gonna go start getting ready cya there


Megan laughed a bit and then closed her phone.

She grabbed some fresh clothes and walked into the bathroom. Sayaka was humming dreamy night and curling her hair. She smiled at Megan and handed her a small box. In it was a friendship neclace that was obviously custom made, with one side having a cloud and one side having a microphone.

"Like it?" She glanced over at it and smiled.

Megan looked at it happily and nodded.

"Thank you so much Sayaka! Anything fun planned for tonight?" Megan asked exitedly.

"It's a surpriseeeee!" Sayaka slightly squeeled and finished up her hair. She winked at her and walked out of the bathroom to go do her makeup. Megan blushed slightly and closed the bathroom to get dressed. She put on the green cottagecore outfit Sayaka got her and brushed her hair. She thought about doing her hair but decided to just put a clip in it. She chose a cute frog clip to go with her outfit and skipped out of the bathroom. Sayaka had just finished up her makeup and was touching up the details on her blue dress. She looked stunning.

Sayaka turned to look at Megan and gasped.

"Oh my god you look so cute!" Sakaka ran towards her and hugged her tightly. She looked Megan up and down and hugged her again.

"Love the pin."

Megan smiled and thanked her, then realized she was pretty hungry and decided to go get a small snack before she headed out for the "night on the town".

<End of Chapter>

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