Chapter 6: Kais' Inventions

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"That was sick" Elliott said.

Kais smirked, and his fire went away. 
"Glad you enjoyed"

They started talking about each of their powers.
Elliott showed off what they could do. Mostly making vines pop out of nowhere and doing weird stuff with rocks.

Kais and Elliott started joking around about weird things after while Arya just watched and chuckled a couple times.

Elliott looked over at her and gave her a thumbs up." This new friend of yours is a keeper" they winked,

Arya scolded them, but tried not to blush.

Kais started talking about Elliotts favourite snack. Chewy(soft) chocolate chip cookies.

They started talking about how much different ways to eat it.

With milk, with ice cream, with peanut butter, with hazelnut spread, and even just by itself.

"Kais, I think we should be best friends. We're too alike" Elliott smiled.

"I wouldn't mind that" he nodded.

Arya shook her head." I can't handle two of you Elliott. I can barely handle one" she face palmed.

Elliott flipped her off.
"Two of me is the most superior thing I've ever heard of. If there were two of you, you'd be reading 4 books at a time" they stuck out their tongue.

"At least I'll get educated rather than sneak off without someones permission" she scolded.

Elliott awkwardly smiled.
Arya looked at her watch.

"We got distracted, let's hurry to your place to see your things. My moms coming home soon and she gonna make my sister and I dinner" she mentioned to Kais.

"It won't take more than thirty minutes!" Kais threw his hands in the air.
"LETS GOOOOOO!" Elliott ran off.
Kais just stood there.
"They are going the wrong way..." he went wide eyed.
Elliott came back after realizing they weren't following them.

~1 hour later~

"And this is my butterfly catcher. I know that those creatures like roaming freely but when you catch one, they usually grow close to you I've seen" he explained." Besides, having pet butterflies is a brag"
He was showing his 164 project.

He quickly walked to his next one.
"I'm excited to show you both this one" he went on. He grabbed the object. It looked like a thermostat. But a little bit bigger." This right here, my best invention yet!" He turned it on. It glowed green and red flashed twice.
"I call it, the hoo-menator!!"

Elliott and arya looked at each other puzzled.

"Oh yeah, I should probably explain it" he rubbed his neck and smiled.
"This creation can detect hoo-mans. When it detects an elf, it flashes green. When it flashes red, BAM" he made an explosion with his hands." You're a hoo-men"

Arya spoke up." It's pronounced human"

Kais frowned." I already wrote 'hoo-men' on the device! And it's in sharpie!" He placed his hands over his eyes and stretched his face down.

Elliott giggled."Dumbass"

Arya looked their way." I thought you only called me a dumbass" she fake sobbed.

Elliott hit her arm." Shut up" they roll their eyes. Then look back over at Kais." You haven't told us how you know about humans" they raised an eyebrow.

Kais leaned on an empty space on his wall.
"It's a long story, really. Fast forward before my dad...uh never mind that. He told me about them. He used to sneak in the town before my mom and him had me. My mom got mad at him for going over there. I still remember his stories" he smiled. His eyes were a bit glossy, almost like before you cry.

So you know a lot about humans then?" Arya asked.

He shrugged." I wouldn't say I'm an expert but yeah I know a couple things" he said.

Arya nodded.

Before they all could talk more, someone barged into the room they were in.
"KAIS" the women yelled. She stumbled towards the three of them.
She smelled like alcohol.

She caught sight of Elliott and Arya.
"Who are you two?" She asked.

Kais spoke up for them." These are my friends"

She rolls her eyes." Well your so called 'friends' need to leave."
Kais turned towards them as a pink tint lit up his face.
"I'll see you both later" he said motioning for them to leave.

"You will not be seeing them later, look how they both dress" his mom scoffs.
Kais cringed.

Elliott cleared their throat." Ma'am, no offence, did you get dressed in the dark?" They said pointing to her outfit." You look like Dora. With that pink shirt and orange pants. Are you also boots? 'Cause you're built like a monkey. Look at how you're dressed before coming after my nice flannel."

His mom gasped dramatically.

Arya covered her mouth so she couldn't laugh. Her face turning red from holding it in. She took a peak at Kais who had to turn around to contain himself.
"My son will not hang around people who treat others like this" the mom scolded.

Elliott spoke up again." He should not hang out with drunks either" they said with a sarcastic, frowning expression.

Finally, Kais's mom burst.
"Get out" she said sternly.

"Alright, bye Dora!" Elliott grabbed Arya's hand and bolted out the door to their left.

They kept running and laughing.

They finally stopped in the middle of town.
Out of breath.

"ELLIOTT! Why would you say those things?" Arya asked shocked.

Elliott shrugged and stretched.
"She was getting on my nerves. Besides, she said we dressed bad" they pointed to both of their outfits." We're so swag"

Arya chuckled."Are you hungry? My mom is probably wondering where I am. And we always have leftovers so you can come over"

Elliott nodded aggressively." YOUR MOMS COOKING IS TOP TIER" they exclaim.

"Alright then, let's go" they both start walking to Arya's house that wasn't far from where they stopped.

Eventually, they both got there.
When they walked in, her mom was standing there plating plates.

"Hey mom, sorry im a bit late" Arya said.

Her mom looked over and smiled at Elliott.
"I was late too dear. My boss wouldn't let me off shift earlier than I thought. Just finished dinner though" she said putting three plates down.

Rainey came running down and jumping into Arya arms.

They all sit down to eat and enjoyed every moment smiling and laughing.

I'm not a big fan of this chapter but I hope you enjoyed. Ok bye

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