The forty-seventh chapter

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(I'm thinking maybe I should start to rewrite the prologue and other small chapters in the back to be slightly better because I am having a hard time thinking that those are still good. What do you guys think?)


Y/N pov

They are talking a bit and I don't really know if I'm even in this conversation. They talk about things that have happened lately, things that Chris has missed. Alex didn't really want to answer the question before and it made me itch a bit...

"Y/N, while they are talking could you tell me why you hate this place as much as you do and what you survived?" He asks me making my body tense up from the question. It's a really weird question to ask someone especially when it sounds like he is asking what my trauma is...

"I was in a home for children that couldn't find a home..." I tell him and he hums slightly nodding his head. He seems to be in thought and I don't know if I should continue or not...

"It's alright, I was just wondering how I haven't seen you before. I do know that the people taking care of the place you were in used to smoke heavily... Sorry about your past..." Alex tells me making me relax. I don't have to tell him everything because he gets it... He knows...

"Do you know if anyone else managed to get out?" He asks me and I think for a while. There was this one guy but he was the only one who got adopted from the home... I have no clue where he is now...

"There was one person who got away but he was just adopted so I'm not sure where he is or if he survived this town..." I tell him shrugging lightly. (More characters, more! Take this as a hint... -w-')

"Hmm... Yeah, I'm looking for someone so... He used to be in the adoption home but he was adopted so I guess you wouldn't know much. We actually used to be four people in our group! Adam, me, Colin, and then someone named... Kevin... I'm not sure where he went..." Alex talks with me while the others seem to have another conversation.

"Listen, there is something I want to tell you... I trust you a lot because I'm not sure if the 'cursed Garcello' is gonna hear me if I tell him this... You never know, right?" Alex tells me whispering slightly so the others won't hear him. I perk up at this fact... Is he gonna tell me why he has been getting these spots?

"I have had these spots before... I don't want you two to stay any longer than is needed because I don't want to hurt you..." Alex tells me now turning to me his eye that had a spot before was fully purple and there were only a few places that were free from the spots...

I could almost hear something static in the distance making me shudder and his voice almost sounded like Chris's echoing voice... Was he turning into something like Brutus?

"Arg!" Alex hunches forward grabbing his hair into his hand's crying out... 

"Sorry..." He said then sharply inhaled air like something hurt to him... His voice is still sounding really demon-like... It scares me...

"Alex?!" Adam's voice is heard in the distance making everyone look over to the place it came from. There are footsteps that run against the broken glass and rubble. 

Adam came running with something in his hands and I walk backward a bit to make sure he can do what he needs to do for Alex to be alright... He pulls Alex's head up and opens his jaw making something fall into his mouth... What even is that?

It doesn't matter because in seconds he falls asleep and the spots start to slowly fade slightly. Adam seems to dry his eyes with his arm from crying as he holds Alex with one of his arms. 

"Not... Enough..." He whispers something so lightly that I can barely hear any words he is saying but those two words are the only ones I hear. He puts his now wet-arm under Alex's legs and stands up...

"I think it's time to go home... Are you guys done with everything?" He asks turning around looking at us. Chris walks forwards and starts to whisper-talk to Adam. I can't hear what they are talking about but it probably doesn't have anything to do with me...

Adam seems to nod and I look to the ground seeing the box that Alex wanted to take home. I bend down and pick it up feeling how light it is... Was there even anything in here anyways? 

Looking at the box slightly it stands that it is supposed to be light so... I guess that explains it. I jolt from someone harking their throat making me look towards the noise.

"What is in your hands Y/N?" Garcello asks me only to be pretty close to him and because of that, I jolt from surprise! 

"Alex! He dropped this..." I stutter out feeling slightly embarrassed from how close he was. He laughs slightly and nods looking like he understands the reasons I picked up the box.

"Let's just go home. As I said Chris, you can live with us for the remaining time until you find an actual place to stay." Adam talks out loud and walks towards the exit of the mall not really looking at anyone but still directing the talking to everyone. 

I follow along with Garcello beside me feeling slightly worried about Alex once more... Is there any time I can't be worried about him?


(This chapter is only a few words fewer than my other chapters so uhhh... Sorry for that! Also, fun fact! The name Brutus was from the song 'Brutus by the buttress' it's my favorite song. The name Rex is also from that song! I might make something with that song in the future but who knows... My nibs still haven't arrived -w-')

---(Until The Next Chapter!)---

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