chapter 3

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Nobody's p.o.v

When they were finished eating they asked for the bill and before they left, Thomas scribbled Bianca a little message and left his phone number on a piece of paper and left it on the restaurant's counter. Thomas tried to find the girl before leaving the restaurant, but he didn't see her; perhaps she was serving other customers, he thought. He left the restaurant and rejoined with the others

Bianca's p.o.v

I went to check on the blonde guy and his friends after serving the other customers, but when I searched for them, I realised they had left. I felt so sad that I didn't have the chance to speak with him; what if that was the last time I ever saw him, When I approached the counter, I noticed a bill, which I assumed was theirs, so I opened it to transfer the money in the cashier. In the bill, I saw a small piece of paper, and I opened it. There was a note on the paper and a phone number. The note said"To Bianca, Thank you for serving us :) From Thomas Raggi" Could it be him I said happily to myself. I took out my phone and looked for him on Instagram. When I searched for his name I pressed on the first account. "it's him" I said shouted happily and some people turned their heads at me but I ignored them, I was too happy to care about them. He's THE Thomas Raggi the guitarist from måneskin I knew I recognised him from somewhere. I closed Instagram and phoned the number he had written down. While it was dialling I felt nervous and I was shaking, I didn't know what I was going to say what if I say something weird or stutter. "pronto" I heard a man from my phone.

My heart skipped a beat when I heard his beautiful Italian voice. " hi I'm Bianca the waitress that served you this afternoon, you left me your number on a piece of paper so I called you" I said nervously. "Hey, Bianca. I'm glad you called, umm I know it seems weird, but I couldn't stop thinking about you last night after I saw you, and at the restaurant, I tried to talk to you but I was nervous and when I tried to come to talk to you, I didn't see you, so I left you my number." he said " last night after I saw you I couldn't stop thinking about you as well, and today when you left I thought that I will never see you again" I said nervously. " Are you free tonight?" Thomas said "uhh yeah I've got nothing to do" OMG, is he asking me out? " would you like to go out with me tonight?" he said, "yes, I would love to?" I said excitedly "Can you send me your address, so I can pick you up?" he asked "yes hold on a minute?" I said I put him on speaker and typed my address to Thomas and send it to him. "it came now, is it good if I pick you up at 7?" "Yes perfect?" I said cheerfully "ok well I got to go my friends are calling me see you tonight, ciao" he said "ciao Thomas, see you" and I hanged up. It was already 5 o'clock and I'm still at the restaurant. I went into the kitchen to talk to my boss Alberto "Alberto, can I go a bit early I have somewhere to be at 7?" "ok, you can go see you tomorrow" he said while still cooking "ciao" I said and waved at him. I grabbed my bag and hurried back home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2021 ⏰

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