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(Not one of my best fics, but I finished this a while ago do I'll just post it)

🚨🚨🚨ONE PART🚨🚨🚨🚨

Karl walks into the school. All eyes on him as soon as he walks in. He gets wolf whistles as he get to his locker. He walks over to his friends at his locker.

Niki: Looking good Karl.

Karl: Thanks this skirt is so short though.

Niki: Its like mid thigh, you can keep the skirt as well.

Karl asked opening his locker: I can?

Niki nods. Karl hugs her: thanks Niki.

Niki: it's no problem, I don't really wear that one that much anyways.

George walks in wearing a skirt as well, bringing attention to him.

Karl scoffs: I actually didn't think he would wear it.

George was wearing boot heels as well with a blue crop top.

Karl says as soon as George gets to them: You commit.

George shrugged: Its kind of uncomfortable but I'll get used to it.

Karl: eh I kinda like it.

Karl flats down his skirt. Niki nods and Karl closes his locker. They walk to their class. Once the reach the classroom the teacher asked: Karl, George, what are you wearing?

Karl: what Mr. S? Are you homophobic?

Mr. S clears his throat: take a seat.

Karl grins and walked to his seat. His skirt swaying as he walks. George sat next to Dream.

Dream smirked: hot.

George sighs: thanks. I know.

Karl says to Tubbo: I hate him.

Tubbo: uh that's my dad.

Karl: I know, still hate him. He's a homophobe.

Tubbo: Yeah, he's not really comfortable about me and Ranboo being conically married, he thinks we really are.

Karl: More reason for me to hate him.

Tubbo let out a small laugh then Ranboo and Tommy walk in.

Mr. S: Late again.

Ranboo was about to say something but then nudged Tommy.

Tommy shrugged: Sorry, not sorry.

The two sit down. Tommy places his feet on top of the desk.

Time skip to lunch because we all know school is boring

Karl walks out of the class and the three children say they have to use the rest room. Karl leaned against the wall because he was taking them to go somewhere for lunch. Karl takes out his phone and started texting George that the four of them might be a little late. Sapnap ran down the hallway.

Karl laughed: woah. Hey dude I know you play football, but you're inside the school right now.

Sapnap looks to Karl and his lips part a bit before he said: my bad.

The three boys walk out.

Tommy: let's go Karl! I'm hungry.

Karl: I was waiting for you guys. Go to the car then. George and the rest are waiting.

One Shots  l karlnap + dnf + other random ships IWhere stories live. Discover now