𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘥𝘶𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘱𝘵.2 (𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘵)

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I cant believe you guys
passed highschool 🤨

tf are you calling us stupid

Exactly that


Shut up

How do you still hate me
it's been five years+

Guys pls hurry up and make out
you guys are like 18 😟

make up*

I'll do the first one with you

me too

omg love h guys too

Holy shit i can't type for shif

Everyone just get to the field
you need to get to your seats soon


k anything 4 u


are you okay?

He sat on his phone


How did he send that

The send button dumbass

Get off ur phones, everyone's
literally alresdy at our meeting
spot on the field

k whatever

Hold on I need to get somehting

idc get over here

"Are you serious Giyuu, you brought a fucking pie?" Shinobu sighed, watching the pie fumble in his hands. Giyuu shrugged, a mischievous grin making its way up his face. "Just thought I should bring this to celebrate..."

Y/n noticed this and slowly started to put the pieces together. "Giyuu, don't do this..." Uzui popped up behind Giyuu, "do what?" He questioned, the cap on his head and the robe that hugged his body nicely.

"Do this lol." Giyuu smashed the pie into Uzui's face, the lid and container all on. Everyone watched in horror as it hit his face, his body flying backwards into the grass.

A laugh bubbled up in Y/n's throat, covering her mouth to prevent the laugh from spilling out. Uzui sat in shock, the lid slowly opening from impact and the pie sliding down his body.

"Giyuu... you little mischievous bitch." Uzui mumbled, he immediately got up and stared Giyuu right in the eyes. Giyuu took this as a warning to start running, while Uzui chased after him. Not in anger, but in the same mischievousness that Giyuu once had.

He merely ignored the pleases said from Giyuu and continued to chase him till he bargain to slow down. He tackled him to the ground, and smeared the the pie on his face while laughing.

"That's what you get!" He grinned, while Y/n and the others watched.

The others joined in, laughing with the mood until Shinobu reminded them why they were here. "Don't you guys have to stand up stage in a few minutes?" Everyone paused what they were doing and started to panic.

"Oh god, my handsome face!"

The two ended up with pie crumbs on there face for the pictures in graduation.


Sorry I didn't update in a long time

Anyways here's the last chapter! I hope you enjoyed, considering my long absence.

𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐬;𝘵𝘦𝘹𝘵 𝘧𝘪𝘤.Where stories live. Discover now