Chapter Six

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Trollex swam down into the ocean to clear his head when he reminded what he read about the Shark Trolls and their leader. He'd never been this worried since Barb sliced off a piece of his LED castle in Techno Reef. He tried breathing to calm him down, some underwater treaditation until he sees something in shock

Trollex: ?!?! What the...? *swam over to it*

What Trollex saw was a huge kingdom that looked like it was burnt down to a pulp. He swam closer to get another look what the surroundings. He sees break down buildings, coral fields on fire, and he sees no one home

Trollex: What happened here? *looking around* Why does this remind me off-

???: Hello...?

Trollex: 😐?! Gah! Who's there?! Show yourself!!

???: *whimpers*

Trollex: Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you. You startled me a bit

???: *stays silent*

Trollex: Hello?

???: S-Sorry...I'm nervous at meeting or hearing someone new...

Trollex: Oh. Well...Don't worry. I'm a nice Troll. There's nothing to be afraid or nervous about. ...Can you please come out? I promise I won't hurt you *held his hand out* Ok?

The unknown stranger nervously swam up to him and takes his hand. Then they swam up to the surface. And meanwhile, back into the boat with the others...

Barb: *looking at the water* Trollex had been down there for a little while. Should we go get him...? I'm starting to feel worried

Poppy: ...Maybe. We should get some scuba gear on

Branch: Right. Let's go

Everyone was about to get scuba diving gear on, until they saw something bubbling to the surface

Darnell: ?!?! Uh...What is that?

Barb: *about to grab her guitar* ...

Trollex: *jumped into the boat* Hey, guys. I'm back

Poppy: Oh, thank Trolls! Trollex, it's just you! We thought you were in trouble

Trollex: Well, yeah. I'm not, but someone else is. Harmony?

Branch: Who?

Then a pink Aquatic Troll came onto the boat, looking shy and a little hurt

Everyone: Whoa

Trollex: Everyone, meet Harmony WillowStorm. She's a MerTroll. Who are kinda like a mixture of Pop and Techno Trolls

Poppy: *gasped* Really? 🤩

Harmony: Yeah. It's nice to meet you all. I've never seen Trolls from the surface before

Barb: Really? Well, it's like all of us when we know about other music Tribes and now ocean Tribes

Harmony: Oh, yeah. I think I've heard about Music Trolls. It's so cool to meet you. ...Unlike the Trolls that attacked my home

Branch: ?!? What? What Trolls attacked you?

Trollex: Good thing you all have scuba gear on. You might wanna see what I found down there

Everyone looked at each other in confusion until they put their goggles on and dived down with Trollex and Harmony. They swam down to where the wretched kingdom and everyone all gasped on what they saw

Poppy: What the-?

Darnell: What happened here? And what is this place?

Harmony: This is MerTroll Sanctuary. It was one of the most beautiful places you would ever seen...

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