Chapter Four

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Later that night, Trollex looked at the Techno Heart Pendant and looked at what kind of power it can do. He touched the center of the heart and it suddenly starts glowing and beating like an actual heart. As the Pendant starts beating, so does his heart on his chest.

Trollex: Whoa

Then the Pendant stopped glowing as he removed his hand away from it. And after knowing what it does if the owner touches it, he then grabbed some equipment and swam out of Techno Reef

Trollex: *stopped and looked back at Techno Reef* Don't worry, everyone. I promise I'll be back for you all as soon as I help Leela to reunite the Ocean World again

???: Yeah, you're not going anywhere...

Trollex: ?! Huh?

He then saw Barb, Darnell, Branch, and Poppy are in front of him and have some exploring bags as well

Poppy: ...without us, at least

Trollex: Wait, what? How did you guys know?

Branch: I had that feeling in my gut that you're gonna do what Poppy did in our other World Tour adventure

Barb: And I was trying to convince you to go to this new adventure because I REALLY wanted to meet these Aquatic Trolls

Darnell: And if you are, Branch thought you could use some backup for this trip, and we didn't want you to go alone

Poppy: We got your back, Trollex

Trollex: Really? Are you sure?

Darnell: Yeah, dude. We're your friends. We should always stick together

Trollex: Awww, thanks you guys

Barb: So? What are we waiting for? Let's go!

Gang: YEAH!!

Branch: But, but, but...we need to have proper type of transportation and we need some weapons on us in case of an attack

Gang: *groaned*

Barb: Quit being a wet blanket, dude. Which is weird because we're in the ocean and all the blankets here are actually wet, so...


Gang: WHOO-HOO!! *all then swam away from Techno Reef, and find the other Aquatic Trolls*

And as they all swam out into the great big blue depths of the ocean, from other parts of the Ocean World...

Oliver: Great job, everyone! We now have the Orca Pendant! Now we only have six more Pendants to go, until the OctoTrolls will reign supreme. And nobody will stop me

Blade: Of course, my king. Everyone will now have to maintain order for the rest of their lives

Oliver: Indeed, Blade. And everyone in the Ocean World will all be as one tribe: The OctoTrolls

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