Chapter 1

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I don't know what to call this chapter so bear whit me and also sorry for my spelling I'm only 12!

George's POV

I was walking around the park, lost, when i looked back i saw a little bush, and figured it would be a good enough hiding spot for the mean time, and well i do have to rest cense i stayed up all night trying to get away from those crazy people.

Quickly i jumped to the bush on the side of the sidewalk where the park was and decided it was big enough for me considering my rather 'average' size. I made myself comfortable but out of view except for my tiny nose sticking out so i could breathe and left myself drift off into a deep slumber.

Clay's POV

I was walking from my school whit nick, my best friend when i saw some kids that looked around the age of 16 and 17 crouching down near a bush and couldn't help myself but to walk closer and hear what was so interesting that caught everyone's attention.

That's when i noticed a cute little kitten sleeping so peacefully and the children were trying to wake it up by poking it whit a stick, yet the kitten didn't bother to move not one bit.

"Hey! Scram! and leave the cat alone!" I yelled

"Hey chill out dude, they are just children!" nick tried to stop me

The children ran off probably to their mothers, i took this chance and picked up the kitten, it had soft caramel looking fur whit darker lines on the top of its head and pale white fur on its stomach.

"C'mon nick, let's take the poor kitten home" i quickly spoke while standing up

"Wow it's the first time i have seen you actually care for someone or something other than yourself! Hahahaha!" Nick joked

"Yeah, yeah, if you don't shut up right now i will make sure they kick you out of school!" I joked

"Pft! You wouldn't, you need your best friend!" Nick responded

"Ok, ok, you caught me!" I said while choking

When we finally arrived at my luxurious mansion and i opened the door, we lived in a wealthy neighborhood cense me and nick were quite rich.

"Ok, bye i have to go now because my parents are waiting for me but you can't understand that cense you live alone!" Nick yelled quickly exiting the house.

"Well it's just me and you now" i mumbled although i was sure he wouldn't understand a word i said

I placed myself on the couch and placed the kitten on my lap when suddenly i heard a meow escape the kitten's mouth and pressed his head against my palm.

George's POV

I woke up and saw that i was in a room, quite cozy and modern i should say, i looked up and saw a handsome boy looking to the coffee table. I meowed to try and catch his attention which i did.

"Hi there kitty, did i wake you up?" The boy said

"Meow!" I shook my head

"Alright then, want some food...? Maybe tuna?" The boy spoke

"Meoowwww" i meowed this being louder

"Ok than," the taller boy got up and went to where i assume is the kitchen

He placed me on the couch and got up, i kinda miss being on his lap but as soon as he headed to the kitchen i jumped off and followed

He got some tuna and opened the container, then he proceeded to dump most of the water out so it wouldn't be so soggy and placed it on the counter.

He then picked me up and placed me on his counter and i quickly dug into the tuna, once my stomach was full i jumped to his chest and climbed up to his shoulder.

"Hahaha! You sure are energetic, c'mon let's give you a bath"


I quickly tried to escape and jumped off his shoulder but as soon as i touched the ground he picked me up gently and pressed me to his chest and walked to where i asume is the bathroom.


Word count : 698 words

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2021 ⏰

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