The forty-eight chapter

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(You are the beauty, you are the grace, honey you are a whole ass package! Also! I'm gonna take a four-day break soon to make animations and pictures instead! I feel like I need another break just a slightly larger one because I've been spending my whole day on the computer writing... So that is gonna be an interesting time! Not yet though I will put up a chapter that says break and take it down once I'm working again!)


Y/N pov.

While walking Chris and Adam seemed to speak with each other having a really good conversation about who to trust in the world. Danny had some opportunity to butt into the dialogue to add his own opinions as well making it more interesting. 

When I mean dialogue I mean beeping and bopping that his girlfriend translates. Alex was having his arm uncomfortably hanging down and it was swinging back and forth. I still have the box's handle in my hand swinging it while walking.

Thinking about what Alex said before about someone named Kevin... He was pretty well known for his ice-cold eyes and being adopted really young for the home he was in... 

Not only that but the oldest brother also went missing... I can't remember the family name though witch isn't really helping the situation that he wants to know about them. 

I suddenly feel some sort of force make me stumble forward and I think I just tripped on something. My luck has it that Garcello is right beside me and is able to grab me before I get to the ground. I can feel the shirt tighten around my waist since he is probably holding onto the back...

"Are you alright Y/N?!" Garcello asks me and I just laugh at his question as well as the fact that we are in this position. I sit up slightly scraping my knee on the broken pavement which makes me wince slightly. 

"I'm alright I just have a lot on my mind..." I smile lightly and look forward sighing. Garcello looks concerned from what I just said like it was bad. I guess this might be a bit much for me...

"I... This might be a lot but I'm sure it will die down soon..." I tell him rubbing my hands against my knees to get rid of the dirt. When I look up I see that everyone had already gone on without us...

This scares me a little... I know the woods well, but I also don't... It's been forever since I have been here and I barely got to go anywhere... 

"It seems like they left without us..." Garcello comments on the situation not really helping anything. 

"Let's just make a run for it and see if we can make it out of here... There weren't any turns or anything so it should be fine..." I tell him only to stand up properly and walk slightly forward. My kneecaps hurt slightly but it's not too bad.

"Alright, there should be one turn though..." Garcello said walking alongside me looking like he is deep in thought. I nod towards him letting him know that I agree with his statement.


We have been walking through the woods for a while and haven't found anyone or anything yet... Not even a building... There was rustling in the trees and bushes a few times but it was usually easy to think that the wind made it happen. 

"Who the fuck are you?!" There was a voice sounding pretty tired but also light... I can hear a small shuffle beside me from Garcello sounding like he jolted from the voice.

"We are just trying to find our friend! We got lost because they are the only ones we know that know these woods..." Garcello says not really turning around to the voice who came from behind us.

"I used to live here but I have forgotten..." I say quietly not really sure if I want to tell this to a stranger... They seem to hear me though and laugh at me.

"You think that is a bad thing? Come on... If you lived here you should know the Willows right?" The voice isn't as loud anymore and almost sounds childish. I feel a shudder go down my spine... What is wrong with the people living here?

"Of course I knew them... They are dead... Right?" I ask the person not really looking behind me still but when I hear Garcello gasp and something walk behind us I turn around. 

There stands a normal height person with blue skin! The eyes are green and their hair has a streak... Like Alex... The person looks pissed at us being here and that shows from the hands being clenched. When looking at the clothes they have a lighter-blue pizzeria uniform with a little badge... I can barely read what stands on it.

He has bandages wrapped around his neck and hands like gloves. They had a serious face and it almost looks like their eyes are glowing... The person doesn't look as pissed anymore but makes a 'tch' sound and turns away.

"Yeah... I would know. I saw them die with my own eyes... I'm a he/him by the way..." He tells us almost like he knows we are wondering... He is a lot like Alex...

"Alright... What is your name then?..." I ask him not really thinking that he would answer. Why would he care about giving his name to some random people he just met.

"Dusty, that is what you can call me. Don't pester me with my real name... I don't remember anything so don't even try that shit!" He tells us looking pretty mad again. I don't really want to make him madder than he already is so I just put my hands up in defense and nod my head up and down.

"Good... I might just know who you are looking after but I'm not too sure you really want to meet her..." He tells us scratching on his bandaged neck looking very uncertain. Wait... She?

"Ah! No, we are looking for someone named Alex! He is a guy! At least... He hasn't said no when we talk to him..." I tell him and then he nods humming slightly. 

"There is a cabin that does look pretty livid and less old... I've always wondered if someone lives there..." He tells us and then he slacks backward with his back making a groaning sound. He sounds slightly frustrated and when he throws himself forward he starts to walk forward.

"Come on, follow me... I know these woods as well as how blue I am..." He tells us joking slightly in the end. I don't really feel comfortable around him but he is our only way out of here...

I hope he is not lying to us...


(Another character is in the game! Actually, he won't stay for long because he has his own story to be in... He is from the Dsaf fandom and I will make a book about that soon! Right now this book is my priority!)

---(Until The Next Chapter!)---

Promises ( Garcello x Reader ) [Being reworked to ao3]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora