
197 4 6

- He is bi

- is a big softi but won't say it

- is a but overweight but does not care because it is not visible

- is the shortest by 5 cm

- has a pet labrator that he named bonbon

- he us the closet to umeji and hokuto

- he has two lesbiska moms

- he dosen't like anybody right now

- has a hard time with school work so Hayanari helps him

- likes cuddels and small kisses from the others

-acts like he hates when the others give him a small kiss on the cheek to say good bye

- the small kissing is just a thing they do they are not dating

- got bullied because he has red eyes

- he hates his eyes just because the are red

- Likes the color wine red and dark blue

- is switch but leans much more towards the bottom

- He has kissed darikou on the mouth but he was drunk (XD i just find this funny i'm sorry)

- he miss his blue hair 

- He is a only child

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