1. This Elder Brother Has No Regrets

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"Ahh! This guy's stupid, too, too stupid!"

True things must be said twice; Lei Song grimaced as his fingers jabbed at the screen again. "This! This guy's actions are too stupid, ah..."

Under I, this elite reader's unfaltering gaze, the cannon fodder older brother spits out some disrespectful words A! G! A! I! N?!

It's possible to show this much thick-headedness in just 500 words,?!

Zhu Song, you're already shackled with specially made spike-studded chains and what-not and have had seven of your fingers cut – how come your common sense hasn't caught up by now? Still gnashing your teeth and spitting out cliché words - dear friend, not afraid of death? Well I am very , very much scared of the consequences of the mental damage you're causing us readers...

Lei Song made a sound of pity and disbelief mashed together as another of this overly-righteous character's fingers were sliced off. The details had been vividly described to the point of morbid fascination; to the point where 'coral-red blood falls drop by drop on the deathly white ice floor, the newly-torn wound gaping open like a feeding beast as the edges of flesh turn yellow and rotten', and the MC slowly draws the wicked blade along the other's leg, his face morphing into a sneer.

Oo, I got shivers.

When this chapter was first published, the comment sections were flooded by people complaining of how excessively the gore is described as, while romance is a measly two lines every two hundred chapters or so. This ended up casting the MC as a celibate sadist in the eyes of the readers - and who finds interest in that kind of protagonist? Except fellow celibates AND sadists...

Even Lei Song himself had strongly suggested in the comment section that the author should change their choice of book genre from fantasy to horror in the upcoming days, so as to not misguide delicate readers into this stuff and make them roll their eyes and cough up blood – and when they wake up again, to quietly remove their subscriptions and take a much needed break to recuperate. He proudly flaunts this comment of his as the one with the most likes and replies agreeing with him. But the author still continues to ignore his well-meant advice! The comment readers comfort each other with typed words, the silent readers stroke their wounded eyes in silence.

Such bare details of lovey-doveyness, still the novel is listed as under the 'harem/stallion' category. LOL.

  This disparity between expectation and reality really burns the retina, ah... the author must be too unfeeling or hesitating to write emotional love scenes too. What a pity. 

Lei Song had commented before on the achingly slow progress of the plot, and on how the book is quite readable if not for the handfuls of men and women that the MC seems to pick up everywhere without any rhyme or reason but doesn't seem to do much with.

  His majestic lair sounds like a fricking rescue center, ba! 

All of them have 'soft, gentle, lovable' faces - might be identical siblings born to different parents if relying on their descriptions - with 'trembling eyelashes' as they take the MC's hand and ride away from their homeland's ruins, wiping a single tear that gets lost in the wind, and that is about it. You won't find any mention after that. The beauty probably evaporated like camphor.

Makes people wonder - what are the 3000 beauties in the harem even collected for, human decorations or experimentations? Ya'll making a chandelier using good-looking people?

...then again if it's this author, there's might be a possibility of that coming true. Ugh. 

This reader, who has read a hundred web novels and never looked back, sighed at such developments. Look, keep slowburn destined love people will shed snot for or write out scenes with 3000 beauties to fill out chapters and sate people's demands - what, is this one-legged chicken run.

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