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[Talk to you] - [Ricky Montgomery]

0:35 ━❍──────── -5:32
↻ ⊲ Ⅱ ⊳ ↺

Short breaths came in and out as sweat coated your entire body, the heat radiating from every corner of the room, sprawled out in the middle of your room, uncomfortably shifting every now and then, desperately hoping that somehow a surge of energy takes over, but even with all your silent pleads, here you are still laying on the floor, throat dry, and body feeling like jelly.

Carrying all those heavy bags all the way to your home was one tiring task, but despite all that your mind couldn't help but wander to what had happened earlier, shaking your head from left to right, refusing to relive those events and finally ripping yourself off the floor and dragging your feet to the living room where your mother stood, unpacking some boxes.

Passing by her and proceeding to open the front door

"ma, I'll be going out for a bit"

"where to? And why?"

"to the nearest park..I just need to check out something"

Your mother quirked an eyebrow, not convinced with your excuse, at this time of day there really was nothing to 'check out' there, nonetheless she knew that it'd be probably good if you went outside for once, and maybe a walk to the park will allow yourself to warm up and welcome yourself back.

"alright then be home before seven and be careful"

Nodding your head and leaving, you had let out a sigh of relief out of reflex.

Walking down the flight of stairs that had caused your tiredness earlier was no easier task but the small amount of determination to go out kept you going, and alas you had finally left the apartment building, passing a couple of doors and halls some of which gave you a sense of nostalgia, even remembering the ones who inhabit it, if it weren't for your nervousness and disheveled state then you would've said hi.

The heat had subsided and was now replaced by chilling breezes of wind, it was the perfect time to watch the sunset, cars zooming by and several people passing by you, turning your gaze to the ground-strangers had a feel to them, gazes that could wound without a try, Apathy being the only shield against blind judgement.

Snapping back to reality, the realization had hit you that you had walked way too far and had probably already passed the park, but before you could panic or complain, the painted sky had distracted your eyes, waves of orange washing over the ground as it almost served as a shore for the skies beauty, pink and blue fading towards the clouds that held such a sight to be seen and it didn't come as a shock that this would steal someone's attention.

Opting for a more calmer approach to the situation, instead of walking all the way back, you had simply made your way to the nearest bridge, figuring that would serve as a temporary spot for you to gaze over the ombre rivers of beauty, the streaks of vibrant yellow can convince any child that those beams were made out of gold.

"woah, the sunsets pretty today isn't it?"

Looking to your side only to see a familiar jet-black haired individual, had it been for the breathe taking view and the calm atmosphere, you would've had started to panic by now, but alas the scene had an effect on you.


"nah its ed"

A string of sarcasm had laced his monotone voice, you chuckled at the use of his old nickname.

"you still use that dumb nickname?"

It had been more of an insult than it was a question but nonetheless he had a few things he had wanted to dart back at you, but with the rare opportunity to talk to you after years, baji sighed knowing that he had to choose his words with great wiseness.

"first of all its not dumb and second not much has changed, is what I'd say if I was in the mood to lie"

"as if you could lie properly anyway"

"excuse me" dragging the 'u' as he faked an offended look.

The lack of sense in this conversation had caused you to let out an airy sigh, but even so you were glad that not much has changed with his way of conversing with you, and maybe this will allow you to befriend him once again.

Joy had washed over your mind, optimism finally visiting your gray mind, one that had resembled hurricanes of overthinking.

Years and years after you left, you always wondered, if you were able to go back and talk to them, what would you say? What would you talk about? And more importantly who would you talk to.

But I guess life had answered that question for you, putting you in this situation had served as a bridge for you to finally feel at ease and come to terms with the past and live the present.

This sudden swing of thoughts had led you to come with a conclusion, a conclusion that had presented itself to you, and had managed to change the course of things.

"I'm finally home"

'I'm finally home because of you'

"all those years I waited for you to come back and that's one of the first things you tell me, lame."

"you know what, I change my mind I'm leaving and going back there"

"Hey wait, no don't-"

You sent baji a toothy grin, looking at his eyes, sending a wave of genuineness, it had really been awhile since you felt so happy.

"just kidding, I'm never leaving again"

Baji smiled, your pupils dilated for a split second, it's been so long, you had even forgotten his smile, and you were glad to see it again.

This moment in time, happiness was a virus and baji was the variant that had passed it to you effortlessly.

"I'm glad to hear that...y/n"

Right in that specific moment, you had wanted to freeze time and stay, for once running away was no longer something you wanted to do.

I'd stay here for a million more years if it means I'd be able to talk to you and hear you say my name once again.

[don't forget to vote if you enjoyed this chapter<3]


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