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[Cupid's Chokehold] - [Gym Class Heroes]

0:35 ━❍──────── -5:32
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Stuffed with an unknown fear of a new presence, you could feel yourself glossed with nervousness as peaks of light mixed perfectly with breezes of wind on this perfect summer day, rounding the hall and facing the empty hallway infront of you—a silhouette that mimicked yours almost perfectly, stood a couple of feet apart, the two of you locked eyes, curious gazes dancing with both as the atmosphere kept the situation balanced, at an outsiders perspective this just looks like children meeting each other for the very first time and nothing more, but there is a certain magic lingering in the air, a potential friend—that itself is enough to spark anyone's heart alit, yet even the brightest possibilities need a little dust of luck or even just a simple coincidence.

"Y/n" your mother called as she opened the door to your new home, new area, new city—and despite all that, you just wanted to break the silence and talk to the boy infront of you, a simple request from a childs mind.

"Y/n..what's taking you so long-"your mother pealed her gaze away from what she had been doing, walking  towards the h/c child, then she noticed that you were looking at a boy around the same age as you and the said boy reciprocated your curious stare. your mother made an 'O' shape her mouth upon realizing what was taking you so long to enter the house.

"Keisuke! lunch is ready" a lady called from a nearby door. 'ah so this kid is probably the neighbours kid' your mother had come up with a conclusion, a new friend doesn't seem like such a bad idea, you had already taken notice of your mothers presence and when you turned around to look at your mother, a knowing look in your mothers gaze, one that she often used to encourage you, your mother watched as you approached the raven haired boy, turning her gaze and walking away, wishing you luck with your mini mission.

Baji on the other hand was dumbstruck when he saw you turn the corner and face him, he was lost for words, he didn't really know how to introduce himself to you and he didn't really know why it was so difficult to approach you.

"uh...do you live here?" the h/c girl inquired, baji was struck to blankness once you had asked a question, the answer was simple yet he couldn't say it.


Mustering the courage to finally deliver his thoughts through words "yeah, my name's keisuke...yours?" the atmosphere changed drastically when a small smile crept up your face, averting your gaze, you tried your very best to hide your smile but something so precious was difficult to miss, and baji surely noticed


Your tone was slightly meek but the excitement gushing through your veins was a contrast that was difficult to figure out yet astonishingly overwhelming when put into a mix, you couldn't quite keep still, the idea of a new friend sure did excite you.

After the short exchange it went back to silence, the sun presented itself through the columns, streaks of light gold shined through the sky as the clouds sat in the sea of blue, fluffy and full, the plain yet beautiful blue served as such a well background and all the other elements created an environment that could clam someone down, yet their hearts continued beating and their blood were pumping with excitement as the awkward wave washed away and was exchanged for a lighter first encounter.

"wanna go to the park? they built this new swing set and its amazing!"

Baji's voice was laced with wonder and excitement, as for you—you simply nodded your head, eagerness evident in your facial features, and deep within your e/c eyes was a pool of delight, judging off of the look on your face you seemed like you were equally as excited as him.

"Keisuke!" the lady called out from the door near the both of you, both of you turned your head towards the lady, baji grinned enthusiastically, the scent of freshly cooked food swarming his senses, the scent exiting from the door as his mother stood waiting for him to enter.

Baji pumped his fist into the air and hurriedly ran towards you, grabbing your hand before running towards his mother.

"c'mon y/n let's go eat first, my mom makes the best food ever!"


Baji sat in his bed reminiscing about the moments he was with you, being reminded of the earlier events, he was exhausted after all that.


a confused gaze fell upon the both of you. as y/n's cousin eyed baji up and down, y/n cleared her throat grabbing her cousins attention "uh..we're here for the box"

"the what?"

"the box that my mom gave you last night" you averted your gaze due to the embarrassment, the atmosphere was tense and almost suffocating, your cousin pealed her curious eyes away from the both of you and glanced at her surroundings, taking notice that it was still dark out.

"uh..okay- why fetch it at 4 am tho?" she asked, you gave her an apologetic gaze.

"well...uh I had something really important in that box" your cousin was far from being convinced but she had no energy to argue with you either, baji and you apologized one last time.

Your still half asleep cousin closed the door with one last heavy sigh.

"Finally, we can go home"

baji let out a puff, fog clouding his eyesight, it was freezing, baji wanted to go home as soon as possible but his curiosity got the best of him, finally asking the question that has been on his mind ever since you mentioned this box.

"what's even in that box that's so important you had to get it back right away?" baji inquired and you looked at the box then at him.

"didn't I already tell you, it's a time capsule..." you pealed your gaze away from baji, the sky stood still, like a unpainted canvas, ready to hold an priceless work of art, the clouds seeming to have disappeared, some were glued to the navy skies, it wasn't pitch black like it used to be earlier, this time it looked a little less empty, a few star spotted, despite it not being flashy, the simplicity it held was enough, when even a navy blue sky painted with grey clouds and few yet shining stars, an appreciation that is buried deep within a persons mind, truly a perfect effect moments like these had.

"...you don't remember do you"

"remember what?"

"This is the time capsule we made when we were kids"

as those words escaped your mouth baji couldn't help but smile, something so specific, something that you kept for so long and treasured, he was chocked up on his own words, he was reminded when he first met you when you both were kids, he didn't know what to say, as if his vocabulary was stolen and left unfound, the only thing he could think about was how lucky he was to have met you, all those memories you both made as kids were his pride and joy, but now he was most glad to know that he'd be able to make more memories like that with you, now that your back.

a promise that you won't leave again

you, you alone. 

[don't forget to vote if you enjoyed this chapter<3]


Tysm for 1k reads, I appreciate you guys reading this book sm T-T<3

Also I got a new dog!! She's so adorable aahhh


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