Chapter 5

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The Year of Rimuru's Reincarnation

The storm dragon Veldora sat behind the [Unlimited Imprisonment] barrier with his arms crossed and his tail thumping on the rocks out of pure boredom. An annoyed growl sounded from beside him

Would you mind? Y/N cracked open an eye, staring at the blue dragon as she slightly shuffled herself. Her(f/c)-hued scales shimmered. I want to take a nap...

We have all the time in the world to take naps, Y/N. Veldora huffed, turning back to his lover and laying down next to her, separated only by the thin yet impenetrable layer of [Unlimited Imprisonment].

Y/N let out a small purr, a small form of comfort to the both of them. It had been three hundred years since they had been locked away. Three whole centuries where they had been right next to each other yet they couldn't feel the warmth of their lover. It was a harsh punishment.

The next time I see that hero, I will drag them kicking and screaming here if I had to. Y/N let out a small huff, laying her large head on the ground in defeat. Veldora glanced at her, his heart slightly aching.

Truthfully, Y/N had broken free of her restrains less than a century into their confinement, yet she refused to leave him there. Disregarding the fact that the entrance to their prison was gated, she never even made any attempt and had remained beside him for three whole centuries. Her beautiful branching horns had shrunk significantly, their beautiful (f/c) hue fading into a lighter, almost translucent look as the magicules of the two powerful beings were being absorbed by the cave itself. The cavern around them, whether they could see it or not, was filled with incredibly potent herbs and valuable magic ore.

Veldora leaned as close to the barrier as possible, closing his eyes and imagining that the barrier didn't exist. Their first and only date had ended so badly, but there was also no way for him to leave his prison now. The Hero who used to come check on the dragons during the first half century of their imprisonment had stopped coming, so he couldn't even demand a release.

There was nothing to do now but to wait for the two of them to slowly rot away in the cavern


Out of all the monsters to make their way into this area, a small blue slime had managed to get as far as it did, speeding towards the two dragons with concerning speed. Y/N barely cracked an eye as the slime flew straight into [Unlimited Imprisonment] before bouncing off harmlessly.

"I'm pretty sure I hit that wall, but I don't feel any pain." two dragons. Their eyes widened slightly. This slime has some sort of self-awareness? Then the blue blob seemed to notice the wound he had gained: a small dent on the top left.

"So I still take damage, even though I don't feel the pain." It appeared as though the slime simply wasn't interested or he was unaware of the two powerful beings that were in the cave with him, one of which could easily take a bite out of the smaller monster. Y/N, however, didn't seem to have any intention of taking down the blue slime as she let out a yawn, her sharp teeth showing itself briefly. The slime didn't seem to have noticed as he healed himself, a regenerative ability that slimes were known to have.

"I repaired the part of me that took damage? This body is really convenient! But I guess I should be more careful. " The small slime seemed so unaware of his own abilities. Veldora stared at the slime in confusion, lifting himself up off the cave floor from where he was laying beside his lover to observe.

Veldora decided to interrupt the slime's monologue and bring attention to himself, while Y/N seemed like she couldn't care less at the moment.

Can you hear me, small one? The slime spun around, as if looking for the owner of the voice. Could he not see? Veldora repeated his question. The slime jumped in fright.

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