Chapter 6: The Crash

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Morning came by and once I looked outside a smile made its way to my face, it had snowed last night with a layer covering every single inch of the ground made me happy, I was happy for a bit, I also remembered what Jasper told me the day before and it was a bit to digest. It's not every day that you get told that the supernatural world is real that there is more out there and that not everything revolves around human beings.

After changing I went downstairs for breakfast, Bella was there eating and I guessed that Dad had already left the house, Bella then started talking about how Edward actually talked to her and how he was nice it seemed she was in a good mood seeing how it was snowing outside and everyone knew my sister loved more the sun and heat than I did, once we headed to the truck I noticed that the chained in the wheels and made a note to thank dad later that day as well, Bella nearly walked outside the door and almost fell but luckily I caught her and helped her keep her balance

"Thanks", she said.

"No problem, let's go."

We got to school in one piece and when I got out I noticed that Bella was looking at the wheels, I guess that now she noticed that our dad probably put the chains in before he left. I had turned my back to look at Jasper heading his way but then I heard an odd sound and the look of horror on Jasper's face. As I turned around everything happened so fast in less than one minute as I turned around I saw a van come at my sister, and Edward sped his way to save her and stop the van from hitting them as well. As soon as I was able to process everything I headed to them before anyone could go, I saw Edward look at me and I knew he was reading my mind so I told him 'I'll take care of it' and he just nodded back letting me know he got my message and left leaving me to take his position to look after Bella. Not that much later we were surrounded by people trying to help and by the time the ambulance came it took quite a couple of them to get the van out of the way to take Bella to the hospital to make sure she was safe.

They let me stay with her but made me go near the wall to not disrupt them since Tyler was also on the bed next to her, and she had to get some tests done.

By the time we both got moved to one of the beds in the ER, waiting for her results, Edward stood next to me I was looking at Bella but I knew he was reading my mind, 'You are going to have to do a lot of convincing she's going to want answers she is very curious I can only help with so much so try to follow my lead emo boy' I felt him stiff next to me and turned his head to look at me, I turned to look back and he just nodded he went to do some small talk with Bella and Tyler. as I had already told both that Edward was already heading his way towards us and that the scare and adrenaline might have made them both forget somethings.

Dad had caught up with us and the doctor was not too far behind him.

"How are you girls? Are you fine?" he asked worriedly.

"I'm fine Dad it was no big deal I'm fine," said Bella. Knowing her she did not like the fact that everyone was making such a big deal about it but also if a van was close to smashing you into pieces then people tend to get worried as well. 

"Well Isabella-" said the doctor.

"Bella, please" said my twin.

"Bella, it seems you don't have a concussion, so you are good to go. Just rest for today and you should be fine to go to school tomorrow, take painkillers if you feel like you are getting a headache." He advised.

"What about him?" she asked as she pointed at Edward.

"Someone has to spread the good news that we survived," he said smugly. I elbowed his stomach as I was next to him he pretended to wince as if it hurt but we both knew I was the one in pain for even trying.

'Prick' I thought.

"Actually," said Dr. Cullen as I had figured from what Jasper described him, "some people from school are out there."

"Oh no," my sister said being dramatic as always.

"Did you want to stay?" the doctor asked with raised brows.

"No," she said as she tried to get out of bed, since she did it in a rush she got a bit clumsy and Dr. Cullen had to help her, "I'm fine" she said trying to get her balance straight.

"She's just a klutz," I said looking at the doc, he looked back at me and just gave a slight chuckle he went to sign off her chart and started to move to Tyler who had quite a few cuts but I think he would be fine.

Bella then started to come near us, "can I talk to you for a minute?" she hissed looking at him.

He stiffened a bit and clenched his jaw, "your father is waiting for you," he said between his teeth.

"I want to talk to you, alone." she said looking at me for a bit and then back at him.

I looked at Edward as he also looked at me 'just tell her you were on your way and if she wants that she can ask me' I told him. He gave me a nod as if to say he understood and so I looked back at her "I'll let dad know you are okay," I gave one last look at him 'don't mess this up emo boy or we are all in trouble.' I headed outside to the waiting room as I saw them head to a different location.

I saw Dad look at me first and he started to head my way, "she is fine," I said. "They are just finishing to discharge her," I lied.

"Oh thank god" he said relieved. We went to sit down a bit and wait for her to come out I imagine. I looked and saw some of the people she hangs out with at lunch they looked a bit happy and I guess they heard me as well, I didn't see Jasper but I did feel my phone vibrate.

can I come over tonight I want to make sure you are fine

yeah I'm okay but you're welcome to come Dracula

I put my phone away seeing my dad stand, I saw him head to Bella and I knew we were leaving, the car ride was silent and by the time we made it home, dad had finally spoken and said to "Bella, um... you should call your mother" and looked a bit nervous.

"You told her," she semi-yelled.

"Sorry..." he said guiltily.

She shut the door of the car a bit too hard and headed inside. "It's okay dad she can handle mom," I replied Dad with a small smile and I decided to get pizza for dinner since no one was in the mood to cook after everything. I heard Bella talk to mom but I knew she would be fine they both have been close so she can calm her down and speak for the both of us. I retired to my room and started on some homework I soon heard a small tapping on my window and saw Jasper on the roof I smiled and opened the window to let him in. 

"Are you okay?" He asked as he hugged me.

"I am fine, the car didn't even have time to hit me I was already half way to you guys." I hugged him back and played with his hair in order to calm him down a bit. 

"I know but still, I worried I thought-"

"Look at me" I said as I grabbed his face making sure he was looking at my eyes. "I am fine, I am breathing and my heart is beating, I am sure you can hear it. But I do appreciate your concern." I let go of his face and he looked at me with soft eyes.

"Of course I care about you and I will worry, you have no idea how much I care about you, and um also my family." he then said a bit nervously. 

I just giggled at him and replied, "would you like to stay for a while and talk."

He looked at me with relief and said, "I'd love to."

And that night he told me a bit more about his actual life when he was human or at least what he could remember, and I feel into a deep sleep with the sound of his southern soothing voice. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17 ⏰

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