Chapter 5: The Secret Revealed

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"Okay," I said looking at him.


"Yeah. okay."

"That's it okay?" He asked looking at me like I'm the weirdest person he's ever met.

"Yeah did you expect something else?" I said back with a shrug.

"You're not scared, or curious, or afraid of us." He asked while he stood up and started pacing around my room trying to not freak out I guessed.

"No, I'm not scared but I am curious."

"Look I read a lot of fictional books you'd think I would have a slight hope that there is more to this world than just humans on this Earth right."

"Well you shouldn't, we are dangerous, we kill humans," he said as he started pacing more, getting agitated he seemed close to yelling.

"Well, I don't believe that, if you wanted too you would've killed me a long time ago."

"You don't know that."

"Yes I do, now explain, is it more like Dracula vampires or something different?" I said with a smirk trying to be funny to calm him down.

He turned to me and chuckled a bit at me before coming to sit down with me, "It's different from Dracula," I sat up straighter and looked at him giving him my full undivided attention.

Third Person POV.

Jasper smiled at her slowly falling in love with her more by how lightly and normal she was taking all of this he almost felt proud that she is brave and not afraid about any of this because then that meant she wasn't afraid of anything. 

"Well Dracula is fake, we are not nocturnal and burn in the sun as you can see, instead we do not sleep at all, holy water and garlic are fake too. We do not age ever and we do not die by wooden stakes."

"Woah, so what do you do when you at night? How old are you?"

"We hunt, we read, learn and keeping up to date with the world, many things actually to be entertained."

"What do you hunt?" she asked hesitantly, she didn't know if she should be asking if the answer was obvious.

Jasper then tensed a bit, "We don't eat humans, if you are wondering, we hunt animals, we like to call ourselves 'vegetarians' too." He said with air quotes, and she giggled a bit. "Our eyes change color depending on our diet and if we have eaten yet. Human eaters are red and animal eaters are gold, depending on how vibrant they are it is how long we have eaten the darker and closer to black they are the more hungry we are."

"So right now you are full?" she asked since his eyes were a vibrant gold.

"Yes," he replied.

"What about abilities do you guys have anything else besides the 'common' speed and strength?" 

"Yes, we have super strength and speed, our emotions and senses are heightened as well, but our bodies are cold and hard, I suppose you could compare it being hard as a statue thus the only way to properly kill us is by decapitation followed by burning the body. Some of us have an extra ability, like a power you could call it, but - "

" Wait, what? You guys have powers too?" she said very shocked.

"Yes, Alice can see the future, although it's not accurate it is close and it's just snippets of them. I am an Empath so I can-"

"feel people's emotions. Can you manipulate them too?"

"Yes but sometimes they can influence my own too like when the others are thirsty, mine amplifies too. Edward can read minds."

"Wait, hold up, what did you just say?!?" she said panicking.

"Edward can read minds..." he said a bit more slowly.

"So he has been able to read my mind the whole time?" she asked as she was getting up the bed looking at him wide eyed.

"Yeah, I believe so-" he replied a bit confused.

"Oh no this is bad" she started pacing and putting her hands through her hair.

"What do you mean?"

"A lot goes through my mind, and so do opinions and complaints about people and the worlds in general, so many questions, and daydreams. Oh shit, don't tell me he saw that?" She hyperventilated with wide eyes.

"Saw what?" He said trying to figure out what was going on with her emotions, even though he couldn't sense them.

"Nothing, I need to have a conversation with Edward later, it's fine don't worry, continue." She replied and as she calmed herself down, along with making a mental note to talk to Edward later in private too.

"Okay? As for the rest, we don't know if they have powers, we are not sure if they do or not, or if it could be considered as one."

"Oh, wait are you allowed to tell me this? I mean based on everything out there that is considered 'fictional thing' out there states that revealing their identity to a human never ends in a good way."

"We are not supposed to but there is one exception. I just can't tell you right now." He said looking at her hoping she wouldn't question him further.

"Okay, take your time," she said calmly, she wanted to gain his trust and knew for sure he would tell her when the time felt right. "Just make sure evil doesn't come soon and kill me for knowing the truth, okay?" she said with a smirk.

"Will do m'lady," he replied with a slight nod.

Val's P.O.V.

"Wait can you feel my emotions then?" I asked, what if this whole time he knew I have this slight crush on him and only hangs around with me because of it. 

"No, not really. Out of everyone in this town, only Bella and you are the only ones that I can't feel what you are feeling." He said.

That was a breather for me in a way, I would imagine it would be weird between us if he knew how I felt but I don't know how he feels. I don't think he would want to continue being my friend if he knew I found him attractive or that I have a crush on him, he might just hang out around me just because he doesn't want to let me down or something like that.

"So then, how old are you, then?" I asked trying to diverge the topic.

"Are you sure you want to know?"

"Yeah unless you don't want to tell me, oh are you as old as Dracula is that why?"

"No, I'm not I was born during the civil war so you can imagine"

"So you took part in the war?" I asked wanting to know everything on how things used to be back I'm the day. One thing is learning about history but another is having someone who actually experienced and went through it all it just makes it ten times better and more interesting. 

"Yeah I did,"  he said and soon we got lost into how things used to be in his time and how things changed into how they are today, we, of course, did homework as well and then he left for the night 

I guessed I learned a bit more about him and became a bit more closer to each other and that night I fell asleep with a smile on my face. 

Ocean Eyes (Jasper Whitlock x OC)Where stories live. Discover now