chapter 2

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*Same day opposite sides of the town*

There had always been groups of people who stayed in different sides of this place.

Some would call us gangs.. some would call us to the good guys. Or in other cases across town.. the bad guys.

It didn't matter what you were called if you were the enemy you stayed known as that.

I'm Jeremy. I guess you could call me "the leader" of this side of town.

Not that I wanted it to be like that. We all trained worked hard and the people chose who they wanted to protect them, and the team voted for who the leader should be. But in the end it came down to the fight.

*Earlier that day*

"We all know why we're here. Let's get to it." A girl said from the side.

"Jeremy and Dom, are both picked as leader so it's time for the tie breaker."she continued.

This may seem childish.. but when it came to protecting our side of town from what's on the other side.. it meant to death.

"If one of you gives up.. you pull back." She warned.

Even if it is a competition you don't kill your own.

"Fight." She said and everyone fell silent.

"Good luck brother." Jeremy said as he stuck out his hand.
"Same to you." Dom said returning the gesture.

Punch after punch.
Throw after throw.
It came down to who would hit the ground next.

Dom threw his left hook into Jeremy's side and everyone could see it was clearly the hardest punch he'd taken that day.

The crowd again fell silent.

Jeremy punched Dom in the face so hard he stumbled and almost lost balance until he was being pushed to the wall with continuous blows to the face.

Dom was seeing 2 of everything by now.

With one final swing and a blow to side Dom was down.

The team went wild.

This was who they wanted to win.
After all his father was the leader before him.
It was only right he was the next leader.

Jeremy kneeled next to Dom as the medic poured water on him and attempted getting some in his mouth.

"Come on Dom, wakey wakey" Jeremy joked.

Then his eyes fluttered open.

"That's it man." Jeremy said with a smile.
"You couldn't have punched any harder, could you?" Dom asked him while chuckling.
"Come on man let's get you up" Jeremy said while pulling his friend to his feet.

"No hard feelings?" He asked sticking his hand out again.
"Nah man, youre the best fit." Dom said back.

"Jeremy is the new leader of the Cyphers!"
(Hmm bts reference, I might change it)

Everyone cheered and clapped. Congratulating him.

Until the real world set in.

"Jeremy..." someone hesitantly asked.
"Yes?" Jeremy asked turning to her.
"There was a kidnapping on the east side.." she said quietly.
"That doesn't concern us though?" He said confused.
"It's .. uhh.. it's alora.." she said a bit louder.

He stopped.
Everything stopped.

Only him and the woman he was talking to now.. who is his sister. Know about alora.

His dad did also.. but he's gone now.

"She was kidnapped Jeremy." She finished.

'already?' he asked himself.

"Who called you?" He asked her.
"Her sister did.. she knew you'd be able to find her." She explained.

Aloras sister had a special type of trust in Jeremy. Ever since the incident a little over a year ago happened..

No one expected this.. especially not Jeremy.

"Get them trained. Now." He said to dom referring to the team.
"Got it boss" he said.

Alora.. a name whom he hadn't heard in a while..

'you'll be okay' he whispered to himself.


ALL RIGHT I hope this was a bit better. Anyways, enjoy.

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