chapter 4

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Jeremy pov/3rd pov:

'how am I gonna do this?' he thought to himself.
He was already overwhelmed.
He just found out he's the leader of the town and now alora is missing?
What else could go wrong?

As if someone read his mind, someone can running in with a phone.

"Sir.." the voice was small but heard.
"Call me jeremy" he said.
"Right.. well someone wants to speak with you." They said.

He took the phone to be met with a sobbing person on the other line.

"Who's this?" He asked.
"J-jeremy please h-help her" the person said. The person was none other than Ren.
Aloras sister.

"Ren.. what's going on?" He asked slowly.
"They got her Jeremy.. they g-got alora." She said followed with a sob.
"Who?" He asked trying not to raise his voice.
"The same person who followed you and her to the gala last year" she said her voice slightly cracking.
"How do you know? Did you see his face?" He asked.
"He had a scar running down his nose.." she whispered trying to remember anything else knowing it will help find her sister.
"Anything else Ren?" He asked calmly.
"They knew her name Jeremy.. he knew her name." She said sadly. This meant they knew her, they had been watching her.
"I'll find her Ren. I promise" he promised.
"Please.." she begged.

Then hung up.

He slammed the phone on the desk, and slumped in the chair not knowing how to start.

'what'd you do alora..?' he asked himself.

The same person who wanted her at the met gala wants her now? Still? A year later? Ever after getting shot trying to get to her?

He picked the phone back up and called one of the only people he trusts.

"Dom?" He said.
"Sup boss?" Dom asked.
"Don't be so formal dude" Jeremy said chuckling, trying to cheer himself up.
"Whatchu need?" Dom asked.
"Come to my office" Jeremy told him and hung up after hearing an 'alright' from the other line.

Alora pov:

My face hurts.. my whole body hurts.

I tried sitting up but ultimately ended up falling back due to the burning in my legs.

I look around trying to find any clue as to where I am.

"Help!!" I scream as loud as I can.

"PLEASE HELP M-" I tried screaming once more but was cut off by a stinging on my cheek.

"I see you're awake now.." someone said in low voice now behind me.
"Who are you?" I asked my voice wavering subconsciously.
"Ahh don't remember me?" He asked.

I felt like I had deja Vu.

I've heard that before..

The.. the met gala?

"I can see your gears grinding." He chuckled lowly.
"What do you want?" I asked unamused.
"Aren't you scared alora?" He asked me.
"I'm not scared of cowards." I told him trying to keep my voice strong.
"Coward?? Wrong word princess." He said

He grabbed my and I collided with the cold floor.
Well.. cold cement.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?" I scream at him trying to get an answer to any of my questions.
"It's simple.." he said, as if that was a good answer.
"Enlighten me." I said.
"I wanted you.." he whispered.
Before I could say anything he began to speak again.
"But now..? Now I want him." He said lowly.


"Who? I don't know who you're talking about!" I yell.
"Oh you know who princess" he said with an ugly grin on his lips.
"I-i don't" I said no longer trying to keep my voice strong.
"YOUR BOYFRIEND! THE ONE WHO ALMOST KILLED ME!" He yelled at the top of his lungs.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2021 ⏰

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