Pregnant Subliminal

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<Belly and breast inflation>

I was scrolling through youtube one day when I found this "Pregnancy Subliminal" pop up. I was new to subliminal's but I find that almost all of them work on me. I was a little confused. Who would want this? I mean I guess it could be cool. The description stated:
Fast working pregnancy subliminal.
Effects last up to an hour.
Belly inflates and you will be able to feel kicks.
Breast will inflate with milk.
Interesting. Very interesting. I was definitely not believing this. There's no way this would work. And that's how the video started. I said to myself, "5 times and i'll stop." But after a while, I started watching it over and over again. It was now my 7th time watching the video.. I guess 7 is truly the lucky number. My stomach started to gurgle. And I felt this little poke from inside my belly, like something was there. I immediately stopped the video, but it was to late. My belly started to have this strange sensation, like fizz. I decided to put on one of my button up shirts to see if anything was actually "expanding". My belly sure was expanding, I looked bloated like I just ate a whole full corse meal. My breast started to hurt, and then right before my eyes I could see them start to fill. My belly was now stretching far out, my skin felt tight and it was heavy. My shirt started to tighten to, I could tell the buttons were about to break. I looked around 6 months pregnant now, my breast were still filling up with milk. I put my hands on my belly and I could feel tiny kicks from inside. As it groaned and stretched I looked in the mirror, my belly was huge, my belly button had popped out. The buttons on my shirt started to break one by one as my belly expanded. I looked 9 months pregnant now, but it wasn't stopping. My breast were the size of big baseballs, leaking with milk now. My belly was so tight, it spilled out of my now broken shirt. I looked pregnant with triplets at this point, and I could still feel the faint kicks. It finally stopped, I was left looking huge and fat. My clothes had ripped and my belly was so full and round. After an hour, my belly did deflate but I still looked pretty bloated. Oh well. I'll definitely try this again.

Inflation Mini Storiesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें