The Chocolate Lab

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<Body inflation>

  Aki woke up in a big room, tied to a table, wearing a strange stretchy suit. Her mouth was cover with some kind of weird glue, coming out her mouth was a hose attached to a big container of a brown liquid.
  When she finally really woke up, she remembered how she got into this situation. She needed the money, so she signed up for this sketchy lab project. The doctors said it would do no harm to her and would be quick, easy money. Guess she should have thought about it longer because she was now regretting being put here. A loud voice crackled over a speaker.
"Hello Ms. Kokomi. We will be starting the experiment now. You may feel a little discomfort but like we promised, you will feel no pain. Please stay calm as we proceed with the experiment."
The voice vanished as Aki heard the noise of the hose turn on. A thick brown liquid started to spill down from it and into her mouth. She could feel it drop into her stomach, filling her up quickly. It was chocolate!
  Aki enjoyed the chocolaty taste, until she realized how full she was getting. Her belly felt tight and bloated. She could then see it expand, slowly peaking out. Her belly groaned and ached as the chocolate started to run out of room, so it then found other spots to fill. Her breast started to fill with chocolate, growing and expanding, with it, her butt started to expand. She was now turning into a huge marshmallow as her whole body grew in size. Sweet chocolate filling every nook and cranny. Her legs and arms started to puff up. Her belly was now growing to the size of a beach ball, her boobs and butt following behind it. Her legs and arms were getting hard to move, her fingers even began to puff up. Her cheeks got big and squishy. She was now round and big, all her parts slowly expanding more and more. Her skin was tight and she moaned as her body struggled to fill more. Her belly now the size of a yoga ball, boobs the size of a basketball, she wanted it to stop but it kept going. The chocolate now making her feel sick as it leaked from her breast. Finally, the last bit of it slipped into her. The doctor walked out from the door, she pulled the tube out from Aki's mouth.
  Did you enjoy the experiment? Don't worry, you'll lose the weight in no time. We'll get you your money when you are fully recovered.
Aki didn't know what to say, she couldn't say anything, she was out of breath, now taking in her huge body. It was strangely a nice feeling, just a big blob of chocolate. She could barely move her chubby arms and legs. She blushed as the doctor started to rub her belly, relaxing as the pains of her belly went away.
  After a few days she got her money, and a newly found kink to go along with it.


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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jul 10, 2021 ⏰

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