Ch.1 Cheonsa in my house

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Hi everyone, miss me?(nope)
It's my second story Hahaha
Hope you like it~

Yuri POV

Hi everyone
I'm Yuri 22 years old, normal college student, normal girl, normal life, normal parents, except my friends they are not normal trust me
My hobby is fangirling over 1 boyband called Infinite
my bias is Kim Myungsoo (L)
My dream is to become a fansite master (no),really my dream is to become a writer hehe

I'm an unknown fans, means Infinite didn't recognize me, means a normal fans, not a sasaeng or popular fansite master

But today
When I get back from college with ruined face, sweat everywhere, I want to take a bath as soon as I get back home and then eat dinner.. I bet mom will cook something delicious
And my hope is ruined by my bias..

"Yuri come here.." my mom said to me and told me to sit beside her

"Huh??" I can't even move, because I see something I shouldn't see..! I mean I see something that's impossible to be here, in my house..!

"Mom? Who is he?" I ask my mom

"You don't know him? You forget about him? He is Kim Myungsoo, he is a son from mom friend" My mom said to me with such a bright smile in her face, I can't even smile

Well my mom is some clumsy because I said to her around 10 times maybe more
that I like infinite and my bias is Kim Myungsoo
But my mom never remember about him, sometime she point at hoya and said that he is my bias when she watch reply 1997
And she point at Sungjong when I watch their performance in TV.. And she didn't even remember myungsoo

And now she said "you don't remember? He is kim myungsoo?"
Mom ofcourse I remember how could I forget he is my bias

"Ah.. Ehm what I want ask is why is he here mom?"
Calm down yuri you need to pretend you don't know him or he will be freak out

"Hmm? Ofcourse he is going to stay here"

"Oh stay here.. hahahaha"


"Huh? Why are you so shock? I said it to you yesterday.."

Ah shit that one when my mom said there will be her friend son is going to stay here for awhile befor he moved to new dorm

"Ah.. Sorry mom"
I look at myungsoo
Looks like he is got a little shock when I scream

"So.. Yuri the thing is, mom and dad will go to Jakarta because your dad work for one month there"

"Oh yes2 Jakarta.. One month.. Huh? One month? Jakarta?? Why so far? And ONE MONTH??"

"Yea so.. You two please take care the home untill we get back okay? You two are childhood friend anyway"

Childhood? Huh? Since when?? But!

"MOM here a second!!"
I grab my mom hand and take her to the kitchen

"He is a guy mom.. A guy, and your cute daughter here is an innocent how can I live with him? For One Month??!!"

"Don't worry he is guaranteed, if something happened you two can just married, his mom is my bestfriend and you two is already know each other"

"Since wheeen??? I don't even remember!!"

"Ah you are just 2 years old back then and myungsoo is already 4.. Maybe you don't remember"

"But mom... 1 month mom.. Pleaseee don't leave me, and why you going to jakarta and leave your daughter here, just leave dad alone in jakarta"

"What do you mean?! Mom is dad personal belongings, where ever dad go mom will come"

Ah my head..
Love dovey couple
I don't even understand what my mom thinking
If myungsoo is her friend son
Then she should have remember him
I bet she didn't know that myungsoo is a member of infinite

"So Myungsoo my daughter here will cook and take care of you for one month.. Is that okay? i already said it to your mother too and your mother said it's ok"

"It's ok auntie, Please take care of me ehm.. Yuri.."
He smile at me

Oh God!! wake me up

"So mom and dad will going tommorow, please take care of him yuri.."

"Okay mom.. Take care of me too myungsoo-ssi"

I will pretend that I'm not an inspirit untill one month, can i do that? Can i? Can i?
I can't.. I knew it I can't..
1 day without infinite music i will die indeed

It's 1am in the morning
I can't sleep!!
So i go out to have some milk

"Ah.. Ehm sorry I can't sleep"
Someone is in the kitchen too
Yep my bias is there with black pajama

"Ah.. Ehm oh.. Me too so I'm here to get some milk, you want some too?"
Nice job yuri you talk normal

"Ah well I want some too" he reply

I pour 2 glass of milk and hand one to him
Goood.. Help me.. i'm bless thank you!!

"So.. Can I ask you something? You are looking for new dorm right? Why?"

"Hmm.. I think you must know me, I'm a member of infinite.."

Pretend you don't know yuri

"Ah infinite.. I think i have heard it"
Ahhh sorry guys.. I'm a fans since you guys debut! Don't misunderstood me

"Really?" he smirked at me

"Y.. Yes.. Ofcourse"

"You sure you are not my fans?" i think he know.. But you must pretend yuri don't lose to him

"Yeah.. My hobby is reading a book i don't know about boy band or anything"

"Hmm...." yep he know that I am an inspirit

"So... Why did you guys move? I think your old dorm is nice.."

"So you really are inspirit aren't you.. Hahahha"

Ah stupid me...

"Well.. Well ok I am an inspirit soo whyyy???"

"Haha you are too curious.. I will answer your question tommorow I want to sleep now, Thank you for the milk, good night inspirit"

Ah now he make a joke to me..
Why did he know..
How could?
Am i too obvious???


To be continued.. :*

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