Ch.5 Snow Flower

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Myungsoo POV
Yuri and me already buying the pizza
Safely we didn't encounter any fans or something else..
I'm just really glad
When we reach home dongwoo hyung is here

Ms: Hyung!!

Dw: oh myungsoo... And excuse me miss I'm sorry to brag in your house

Yr: ah no.. It's okay

Ms: Hyung.. You okay?

Dw: yeah.. It's ok

Ms: is he?

Dw: yeah it's him.. I don't know how could he know my place

Sg: I think we need some plan here guys..

Ms: you sure he is not following us here hyung?

Dw: yeah don't worry.. I'm sure

Why I have this uneasy feelling

Yr: ehm.. I think you guys need to eat

Wh: ah yes thank you yuri

Sg: let's eat first

Dw: is it ok for me to eat too?

Yr: oh sure oppa we have plenty

Dw: well then thank you..

My head is spinning right now, I don't even know what is this pizza taste like

Yr: may I ask something?

Ms: what is it?

Yr: who is 'him' actually?

What should I answer to her
She can't involved in this situation

Ms: hyung..

Sg: I think we should tell her?

Ms: But hyung..

Sg: No don't worry we can trust her

Ms: well okay then..

Sg: well.. Actually him is our ex manager

Yr: ex manager?

Sg: yeah.. Well actually he was fired during our world tour concert because he can't protect us at that time.. So..

Yr: so..?

Ms: let me tell her hyung..
At world tour time we get so many pressure and Sungyeol at that time was really depressed, when we walk at station LA some fans approach us
She is a fan of sungyeol at that time our ex manager was not with us, so this fans is pulling sungyeol but that time sungyeol still spacing out and he fall to the ground when the fan pull him from the crowd
When he fall.. His ankle is hurt he can't even stand at that time
So we bring him to hospital as fast as we can
And our CEO was really angry at that time
So he get fired
And now..

Wh: Now he take his revenge on us because he can't get a new job

Sg: yeah he call our number and said to us if we didn't give him money every months or give him a new job he will stalking us all the time..

Wh: at first we thought he was joking around but no.. He come to our dorm

Dw: and.. Make a rampage there.. Every single day

Ms: so our CEO told us to leave from dorm for awhile untill he finish this thing with our ex manager

Sg: but lately he is going crazier than ever

Dw: yeah he call us and searching for us where we stay now and everytime he found us he take our money and said "you can't escape from me"
Though the CEO already agree to give him a new job but he said it's too late.. So here we are now

Ms: Whoaa why are you crying yuri???!!

Yr: it's just.. You guys... Hiks

Yuri POV

Why.. They are already tired about their works, and they still have so much trouble
Even now they can't rest well
I'm just so sad hearing that all
Though they are always smiling but I know they have so many problem
And the problem is not just a simple one..

Yr: you guys already work hard I don't know what to say anymore

I can't hold my tears anymore

Sg: yuri-ssi don't worry we can handle it.. And we are so thankful to you and your family here..

Yr: eh? Why? I can't do anything

Wh: No.. You give us a place to stay and a good food is enough for us.. Thank you

Oh no please those sentences make me more and more love them..

Yr: I will try to help you guys as long as I can

Dw: then? Can I live here too?

Yr: huh you too?

Dw: yeah.. Can I?

Yr: well why don't bring all of infinite member in here..

Ms: Good idea

Yr: Nooo!!! i'm a girl too you know...!!

Wh: ah sorry we forget that you are a girl..

Yr: Hey!! No dinner for you woohyun oppa!!

wh: whoaa sorry.. Myungsoo help me..

Ms: why me?

Wh: because you are her hus....!!!

Suddenly myungsoo covering woohyun oppa mouth..
Hus.. What is hus.. Hustky? Dog? My dog?
Ahh i don't understand

Dw: ahhh so myungsoo is into...

Sg: yess you got it dongwoo..!!

Dw: ah I see... Congratulations..!

Yr: what are you guys talking about?

Wh: hmmmph hmppph hmmphh..

Sg: woohyun said someday myungsoo will tell you..

Wh: hmmpph.. Hmmph hmmmph!!

Sg: woohyun said can't you just help me!!

Wh: hmmpppppphh!!

Sg: woohyun said I'm out of breathe here!!

Dw: myungsoo just let him go..

Wh: fuwaaah thank you hyung

Ms: just give me a break hyung.. It's not like that

Sg: yeaah2.. You just haven't realize it yet myungsoo

Ms: oh.. Whatever

Sg,wh,dw: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Still i don't understand.. Whatever..
But how to help them actually.. All i can do is just take care of them now..
What if he found out our place..

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