Ch.32 The Nights

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Final exams is near.. Oh noo, I'm doomed!
(This is Overreacting I only have 4 subject and just finished one of my last presentations with perfect scores *yeeey*)
And Holiday is nearr!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *evil laugh*

Yuri POV

Hi everyone
Good morning~
my name is Gong Yuri
Today we have a nice weather right??
With this nice weather I really want to have a cup of coffee
Yeah very nice

Did I miss something??
Actually I forget about last night..
Did something happen last night???

Wh: Yo..

Yr: oh.. Woohyun oppa

Wh: Hmmm...

Yr: What is it??

Wh: Last night..

Yr: yea??

Ar: Last Night...

Yr: Anri?? Why are you in my room? Oh wait why woohyun oppa in my room too??

Sg: Last Night..

Yr: Why everyone is here?? And I don't remember anything..!

Wh: Hmmm... Is she really??

Ar: Yeah.. Yuri usually forget something important after she wake up

Sg: I see...when will she remember??

Ar: Usually 1 hour after she wake up, sorry she is a little bit slow

Yr: Hey.. Actually what happen..?

Wh: Hahahah she ask us..

Sg: Yeah she ask us..

Ar: Hahahahahhaa.. Actually...

Yr: Actually??

Ar: Actually We don't know too! So we want to ask you..

Yr: ......

Ms: So.. She doesn't remember? For real??

Ar: Sorry myungsoo oppa.. She is like this.. Wait.. since when you are here??

Ms: Since. Woohyun hyungvsaid "Hmmm..."

Ar: Ahh I see.. Hey that's since the beginning!

Wh: So.. What happen???

Ms: Am I the one who is going to tell this story?? This is embarassing..

Wh: Tell us..

Sg: Come on...

Ms: Allright but please don't tell anyone

Myungsoo POV

After Woohyun hyung going out from that room

Ms: Can you hear me out for awhile??

Yr: I Can't!! You make me fall for you more and more! and now you are leaving sooner or later... How can I hear your excuse??

Ms: So.. You are fall for me already??

Yr: That's not the important point we are talking here!

Ms: I see.. If that's the case then.. Will you go out with me?

Yr: You jerk! How can you told me to going out with you if we can't see each other again?!

Ms: Hold on miss... Heyy...

Yr: What??!!

Ms: Don't pick up that chair! you are going to kill me with that!!!

Yr: Oh sorry.. Oops.. Oh no!! I drop the chair..

Ms: What.. The.. Why you do that to my chair, Now it's broken

Yr: Sorry let me fix the chair..

Ms: Allright then.. let me help you..

Yr: I never use hammer and nails..

Ms: Seriously? Let me handle it.. But how can you broke this chair? This is from wood..

Yr: Hmm.. Is this wood??

Ms: then what is this?? Plastic??

Yr: I think it's rubber..

Ms: .....

Ms: And we spend the night with fixing the chair.. That's it..

Yr: Ahhhh yesss.. I remember it now, we did a good job

Ms: That's truee...

Wh: ......

Ar: Ehm..

Sg: Seriously??

Ms: Yep..

Ar: HAHAHAHAHAHA.. I look at you two when Yuri was holding a hammer!
Okay i'm going to my room.. Bye

Sg: I want to take a bath

Wh: What is it for breakfast.. Omelet maybe..

Ms: What? Why?? No reaction?? And don't tell anyone about..

Yr: Yeah it's embarassing..

Wh: ....

Sg: Yeah very embarassing

Ar: *sigh*

Sg: Oh right Myungsoo and woohyun come to my garage this night

Wh: it is it hyung??

Sg: Yeah..

Ms: Okay then..

The time has come I guess..

Yr: Can I come too??

Sg: Why???

Yr: I know it...

Ar: what is it???

Ms: Yuri..

Yr: he asked me to go out with him.. But the time has come right? So I think I need to be there too..

Ms: Hyung.. Don't

Sg: It's okay let her come

Ms: Allright then.. But with one condition

Yr: What is it??

Ms: After that, we talk alone... I need a serious talk with you

Yr: Okay..

Woohyun POV

It's a relieve that they didn't do something that I imagine last night..


Today.. After I look at both of them
I realize that there is a border line that I can't cross it
Their bond

You are her oppa..
You are not more than her oppa
Nam woohyun you should realize this

To be continuedㅋㅋ

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