After Blood and War- Sam Adams x MaryAnn Gage ( part 1 )

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    The war for independence was coming to an end, but the relationship between Sam Adams and MaryAnn Gage was just beginning.

    Sam and MaryAnn had met when a man was being whipped in front of docks. Many were forced to watch, even General Gage's wife, MaryAnn. But being back in her homeland brought a sense of security. General Gage had often beat MaryAnn many times thoughout their marriage, and one night, when he when to sleep she left.

   ( MaryAnn's POV )

    I came across a small pub where loud voices could be heard. So I went there. When I went into the building, she saw many men drinking.  " Umm, excuse me," I said to one of the men drinking. " How can I help you?" The man asked me. " Where can I find your leader?" I asked him, as he took another drink. " Who are you talking about?" He asked me. " Sam Adams," I answered him as he froze in front of me. 

   Then a young man walked up to us. " I hear that you are looking for me," He said to me. " Your Sam Adams?" I asked him. " Yes I am, and who might you be?" Sam asked me. " Can we talk privately please?" I asked him. " Of course, follow me," He say to me. He holds his hand out tored me and so I grabbed it. He led me down to the basement of the pub. " So what is a lady like yourself doing here in the middle of the night?" Sam asked me. " You wouldn't believe me if I say this," I said to him. " Try me," Sam said smirking. " In London, England, there is a rumor, that General Gage beats me, his wife, then after he goes on like it didn't happen," I said intertwining me fingers. " Why are you telling me this?" Sam asked me as sat up a little more. " Because I've seen how ruthless my husband can be, I mean he beats me and enjoyed it. I want to help you win this fight," I said to him.

   Sam stayed silent for a little bit, probably thinking about what I had just said. " So if I heard you right, you husband, General Gage, beats you, he is a ruthless man who needs to be killed," Sam says to me. " Yes your correct," I said to him. " I'll be meeting with my people tomorrow, so, um... do you want to stay here with me?" Sam asked me. " I would love to," I said smiling at him.

    As Sam was getting undressed, so was I. " You know when your husband finds out your missing, he'll come looking for you," Sam says to me. " Hopefully we'll be gone by that point," I said back to him. Sam turned turned tords me and rapped his arms around my stomach and I rapped my arm around his stomach.

  The next morning

  Sam and I were awoken by someone opening the door to the basement. " Who is it?" Sam asked as footsteps continued to can down the stairs. " John," The voice said as I heard Sam breath a sigh of relief.  The footsteps can down the stairs and I looked that them. " Who are you?" I asked the men that was standing in front of me. " Im John Hancock, and this is John Adams, Sam's cousin," He answered me, pointing to himself and then Sam's cousin. " And who are you?" John Adams asked me. " I'm a friend of Sams," I answered looking at Sam and then at the floor. " We need a plan Sam," A unknown man said to Sam. " Paul Revere, ma'ma," He said to me holding his hand to me. " MaryAnn," I simply said not giving him my last name. " MaryAnn is going to help us win this," Sam said looking at the three men in front of us. " Ok then well lets get started," Paul said to us.

                To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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