Your Not-So-Average Twins

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"Evie, get out of the bathroom! We're gonna miss the train!"

Evelyn rolled her eyes, tying the elastic around her curly hair. "Hold your horses, I'll be there in a minute!"

Peter sighed. They were going to miss the train and be late, again. Then again, he was the one who broke the alarm clock... but still. He straightened as his sister walked out, grabbing her bag and her book. They said goodbye to their aunt and uncle before sprinting down the stairs of the old apartment building.

Queens was a roaring buzz. Cars zoomed past, having no care for the pedestrians idling along the footpath. Horns honked, someone shouted, others chatted, the air filling with sounds. Peter winced. He was still trying to adjust to the whole over-dialled senses shindig. He dragged Evie along despite her protests and the fact that she ran faster than him, but he couldn't be late for math again. That was detention for sure.

They leapt onto the train just in time, their chests heaving as they crammed into the carriage. "Well, that's one way to get to the station," Evie puffed, straightening out her blouse. It had been May's, like how Peter's clothes were once Ben's, but hers fitted better. May Parker was a lot smaller than her husband, meaning it was easier for her niece to fit into her old clothes.

Peter sighed, checking his watch. "I didn't want to be late to math again or else I'll have detention. You know I hate those."

"Why? MJ's always there." Evie wriggled an eyebrow, much to Peter's disgust.

"No! I don't like her! Well, not that I don't like her. I like her, but not like that."

"Right." The female studied her nails. "You're in love with Liz."

Her twin's face grew red, proving her thoughts to be true. "Well," he spluttered, "You like that jock, don't you?"

"Well, he's not bad, but he doesn't have much going on up in his head. He also hangs out with Flash."

Peter rolled his eyes at the name. Eugene 'Flash' Thompson was every girl's dream man. Top in the class in gym, a footballer, even good-looking by society's standards, he had every girl falling for him. Well, almost every girl. There were the few who saw him for the bully he was. Flash enjoyed watching people squirm, having a deep lust for power and control. Evie said it probably had something to do with his home life but Peter was adamant that he was just a plain idiot.

The train pulled to a screeching halt outside of Midtown Station, the twins' cue to exit. The school was already packed with smelly teenagers catcalling and shouting over the mass of students in the halls.
They walked over to their lockers, spinning the dials and emptying their bags, Evie's below and diagonal to Peter's.

Someone tapped Peter's shoulder and he turned around, smiling at his friend. "Hey Ned," he greeted as they started their handshake. "How are you?"

Ned beamed. "I got the new Millenium Falcon Lego set yesterday and my mum said your welcome over at any time to build it. Hey Evie," he said, giving the girl on the floor a wave.

She waved back before returning to her book and Ned focused his attention on Peter, who was weighing his options. "Does that include this afternoon?"

Ned nodded.

"You'll have to ask Ben. And if I remember correctly, it's your turn to clean the kitchen this afternoon, and you have that English assignment."

Peter glared at his sister's smirk despite knowing that she was right. "I can do the assignment at Ned's. And can you fill in for me? I'll do it for you tomorrow."

Evie sighed, knowing very well that he wouldn't remember to clean or to do his homework. Despite them being barely minutes apart, you could tell that Evie was the one born first. "Fine. But if Ben gets cranky then that's a you problem."

Children of Queens: The Story of Peter and Evelyn Parker Where stories live. Discover now