Chapter 10

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I'm back and I'm eating cherry flavored jello

Where were we? Ah yes...


Opening your eyes slowly and painfully you find yourself, hands tied behind your back, water still dripping down from your matted H/C colored hair, lifting your head looking around you notice three others tied up with you as well they too had been waking up, it looked as if they were knocked out due to the bruising and or blood covering a few their heads, one was dead, a bolt through his throat leaving him on his knees hands still tied, luckily all three of you had your legs free

"Hey! What in the fuck is going on!?"
One of them shouted, his buddies also sensing that something was off panicked but soon it turned into anger

"It's those forest fuckers! They ambushed us after Vladimir snuck into their camp"
A second bandit had piped up, the third to which you assumed was Vlad was gaining consciousness, you looked to your feet noticing that your gear had been stripped away leaving you in your primary clothes, but luckily those idiots forgot to search your boots

"Alright, thats enough yapping for the three of you, who here knows the fuck is going on? And where in the fuck are we"
You spoke catching their attention, the first looking over at you with an unhappy facial expression grumbled under his breath whilst the other two struggled to break free

"We were ambushed by those forest fuckers, don't know where you came from don't Ty think I've seen you before, especially with that outfit, you look ready to go into full sneak mode"
The bald one grumbled out before turning his attention to trying to get rid of the binds, turning your attention back to your binds you soon began to try and loosen the rope, it was professionally tied which surprised you but it took a bit to loosen the rope but at that moment the howling caught the attention of everyone, the sun was setting over the valley, eyes glowing gold peeked from the dark woods a pack of ferocious-looking wolf-like mutants stepping out slowly, sets of sharp yellow teeth bared towards the four of you, in a blink of an eye they slaughtered the two other bandits killing each other in the process, one tried pouncing but out of instinct you lifted your foot giving it a good kick to the mouth causing it to latch onto your boot to which you tried shaking it off causing the wolf to get more pissed off, the bandit to your left began yelling out

He shouted whilst kicking the wolf away from the best he could, the said beast snapping its sharp-toothed jaw at the bandit, meanwhile, you had managed to unhook your leg from the burly beast's jaws giving it a hard kick to its muzzle bringing it down but not for long as it aimed itself for your belt, which was a mistake as it crushed the radio that had been latched onto your belt looks causing it to short circuit and shock both off you, the wold getting the short end of the stick it whimpered and whined whilst jumping back

"That's right, go on and get you filthy fucking mutt!'
You yelled whilst kicking the wolf down who soon scampered off whimpering in pain, turning your attention over to the bandit you rolled your eyes and began to try and break free from your binds, the bandit still screaming for help, leaves crunching on the forest floor caught your attention making you look up, to see Artyom looking down the iron sights of an old crossbow the mute shot the wolf with a bolt killing it

"Artyom! Over here!"
You shouted catching his attention, his eyes widened before sprinting over, he placed both hands on your shoulders looking at you with worried baby blue eyes

"Now isn't the best of times, get that fool untied I've got mine covered"
You chuckled softly and gave the male an affectionate head bump, Artyom hesitated a bit before nodding, taking out his trench knife he approached the bandit from behind cutting the binds off, the bandit fell forwards before setting himself down on the ground rubbing his wrists, Artyom turned his attention to you who had already gotten the rope off, sitting on the ground rubbing your wrists

"So where are you two from? I thought I knew everyone from the barracks"
The bandit spoke up as you stood up wiping the sweat from your grime-covered face, your tank top already sticking to your chest

"Yeah, because we're not from here we both have no fucking idea how we got here"
You spoke with an annoyed tone before pulling Artyom by the collar of his outfit catching him by surprise but soon followed, making your way down the trail and ending back up at the village you turned to Artyom pulling your hair into a low ponytail

"Hopefully Alyosha isn't in danger and where the fuck are we?"
You asked, Artyom pulled his map out scanning it for a bit before turning it towards your direction

"In a valley of some kind, a woman named Olga had dragged me out of the riverbank, I don't know where Alyosha is but I'm glad you're safe"
He signed as you lowered the map down, rolling your eyes and smiling you wrapped your arms around the man hugging him tightly, feeling his gloved hands on your back, fills you with determination

"You goof, anyways let's go find Alyosha, a full mag of Ammo says he's already at the dam AND has tried to seduce the forest woman"
You joked, letting go of Artyom you looked at the crossbow he was holding in one hand, curiously pulling it out of his grip you examined it, handing it back to Artyom who gave you a quizzical look

"Just looking at it doesn't matter but hopefully we can upgrade it cuz it looks ready to fall apart"
Chuckling softly you took out your trench knife before moving into one of the houses taking note of the corpses pinned to the wall with signs hung onto them by their necks, Artyom was busy looting the place not taking note of the corpses...


I'm gonna go take a nap now

Metro Exodus: Artyom X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now