Chapter 13

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I'm back

Walking through the mutant infested station, you feel uneasy; it's just you, your radio, the cold of Novosibirsk, and the mutants, flamethrower in hand, you knew you wouldn't have to replace its fuel tank for about two hours, Tokarev did supply you with plenty of fuel for at least two days, you burned every mutant that stood in your path, hearing them screech as they desperately tried putting themselves out, ignoring them as you continued to walk through the metro, your body filled with determination, reaching the gate at the end which would lead you to Anna's cure you soldiered on no matter how much you wanted to turn around, no matter how much fear would make you stop for a few minutes, you were alone. Still, you knew you had to do this, for Artyom, for miller, for everyone, for Anna...

You mowed through the hordes of mutants, your flamethrower doing its best to keep you from getting mauled to death; you had your breathing mask on due to the stench of gas fumes and burnt flesh getting to you, after killing off the mutants, you rested the flamethrower next to the gate, placing both hands onto the gate lever  struggled to turn it but eventually with luck or pressure it began to turn, the gate creaking as it had been a while since it had last opened began to lift giving you access to the other side, letting go you picked your flamethrower back up and moved onto the next area, it looked infested with flesh like goop which stuck to the ceiling in fleshy strings, leeches popped out from pipes or out of walls, aiming your flamethrower you hosed down the mutated leeches burning the slime along with them, moving forwards you found a boat, sighing and placing the weapon down into it you sat down on the canoe, gripping the paddle from the edge and began to row, moving through the flesh infested metro with leeches occasionally spitting at you to which you retorted by chucking Molotovs at them, sometimes you could hear Millers voice over your radio which was clipped onto your harness, continuing to row you neared another section of the metro, it to was flooded, rowing closer to some near by scaffolding your Boat was bumper by something, you wasted no time in getting out, once atop the stairs you watched as your canoe was pulled under the water by a massive leech like worm, you ignored it and headed up the stairs into the train car which was overrun by the same fleshy slime, with smaller leeches poking out to greet you by spitting projectiles at you, in which you retorted again by burning them before continuing on, you had no time to waist, time was of the essence, moving through train car after train car you felt it rumble and soon it dipped forward blocking the way back, you shook it off and continued on, you hosed down the leeches even managing to hit a few of the oversized ones before reaching a platform, it held a crane that was holding up a boat, you placed both hands on the switch, setting your foot on its base before pulling back, thus activating the crane, putting the boat down you climbed atop and jumped down landing onto the boat which rocked it a bit, sitting down you began rowing, the lantern providing light, the massive leeches seemed to not bother you whilst you rowed, moving through a corridor of flesh and leeches, throwing an ocassional molotov to silence their annoying game of hide and spite, you reached an icey part, your Geiger counter began going off as specs of Radiation danced around you, unefected by the radiation you contiued rowing, your breathing growing heavy as your heart rate shot up, looking up at the gaps between the ceiling you locked eyes with a familiar face, black eyes stared into your own from in between the gaps, icicles clung to the ceiling as you slowly rowed through a few ice caps, soon you felt heavy and passed out...

Only to jolt awake moments later, your boat resting against the edge of the station floor, feeling dizzy and nauseous, you slowly crawled out, dragging yourself out from the canoe and onto the ice-cold floor, your head pounding as the effects of the dark one gradually wore off, you could hear voices of the dead around along with sounds of Trains roaring past you, laying your head on the concrete pillar you could almost hear Anna's voice in front of you, reaching into your breast pocket your fingers gently traced the bottle of Radioprotector Kirill had given to you, you knew you didn't need it, but you still felt the need to take it

Metro Exodus: Artyom X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now