The forsaken temple (part 1)

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[you have died by the boss penalty for failure is being applied...]

[Destroying relics.. error first time offense removing penalty, user has not opened starter kit would the user ishyno Mowishiki like to open |Starter Kit|SSR|

Ishyno thought to himself 'Their wouldn't be a trap would their? What kind of trap could it even do, bah I'm immortal.'
Ishyno then said "Yes I would like to open the starter kit"

[You have said Y?]
Ishyno said, "Yes"

[Opening starter kit...
Calculating rewards...
-one affinity to "light"|S|
-one "sword of the reaper"|R+|
-one memory when:__|??|
-one affinity to "metal"|E|
-one randomly Previously owned relic|E+|
Trashing all rewards below |E+|
Distributing reward...]

Ishyno's body began to glow as all suddenly ishyno was in a room all white as far as the eye could see.

"What.. where am I? Does this have to do with this relic? Is this even a relic."

[Please insert time and where you would like for this reward -one "memory" 'hmm what are affinitys' "May I get a memory from when I received my affinity?"

[Context not found]

'Tch I knew it wouldn't be that easy'

"Can I put this reward on pending?" Ishyno asked as nicely as he could.

[Putting in pending]

As soon as the screen said this a small icon appeared next to the screen.

Ishyno asked may I get a relic now?

[Receiving reward...

Armor of the fallen -head piece-]

As soon as ishyno finished reading it a helmet started forming in the air starting with a slick back interior forming a gentle but subtle engraving with gold stripes, the helmet even had a long red tasil coming from the top of the head piece.

Ishyno would gently grab the head piece but quickly be brought down to his knees from the sheer weight of the head piece

Grunt sounds could be heard as he tries to lift it up and as he was lifting if up it would be lighter and lighter till it was practically 20kg heavy it was still a struggle but as soon as he put the helmet on a msg popped up.

[+Attribute bonus: +10
Magic +5
Summons +15
Phy resist +20
Mgc resist +20]

'Ishyno's stares at the screen in a daze trying to ponder what these numbers mean'

[Generating wheel...]

Ishyno said "Wheel? What wheel? What's it for?"

A wheel would pop up in front of ishyno with a word on 24 slots of the wheel.

Light foot, light weight, redirect light he named acouple more before asking is "this light attributes?"

their was still no response.

Ishyno would slide down on the wheel to make it spin.

It would spin once, twice, thrice, and on the fourth rotation the wheel would finally slow down before finally landing on light weight.

Ishyno "Light Weight? Huh?"

[Preparing inscription]


Ishyno's eyes would widen upon reading this, ishyno would start to glow blue light before he started to scream in agony as his whole body felt like it was being stabbed repetitively every where across his back, his back legs and so on.

10 excruciating minutes of constant pain later...

Ishyno would be on all fours breathing erratically and out of constant breath, unbenonced to ishyno green light ensued his back for a brief moment.

"WHAT THE HELL" ishyno would say before he would lay down exhausted closing his eyes when a msg popped up but he didn't read it instead he tried to collect his thoughts.

'its another twist after another first I learn I'm immortal which is crazy, then I learn that I'm in a forest that wants to kill me, then I learn that I'm part dragon, I then learn that I have a attribute affinity for metal, I even learn that this relic or what ever it is must be playing with me, now after many deaths I learn that gaining attributes suck, Gah it even had to be a useless one.'

[Transporting user to last saved point...]

As soon as the screen disappeared ishyno was in the same location he was when he first woke up.

Seeing as this is the same location ishyno would look to the left at the creature and then begin to run north east into the woods.

while ishyno was running into the woods he noticed something else there's a building he's coming up to. 'its pretty far to have not been noticed before, but pretty tall for me now just to see it' he though to himself.

Ishyno would begin to run to this tall building hoping to find help.

5 minutes later he would arrive at this building just to learn it's actually a temple, but to whom remained a mystery further 'investigations was a order' ishyno thought.

As Ishyno stops to admire the size of this temple he quickly runs as he hears a screech which he presumes is from the creature this is the farthest he's gotten so far so he decides to try and hide from it Inside the temple.

As soon as ishyno opened the room lanterns began to flicker on. The room became bright enough to see the many pillars and statues encircling a giant statue in the middle, however he couldn't figure out the creature that the statue was sculptued for.

Screeches from the monster could be heard again and ishyno quickly looked for a hiding place, as soon as the screeching could be heard much closer ishyno went and moved one of the statues near the pillars to hide behind.

A minute or two later the creature would walk in to the building on all fours creeping around the center of the room. The creature began to walk around the room and stares at a large statue in the center of the room, ishyno continued to wait hoping it would just give up.

The creature continued to walk around before walking away, ishyno thinks the creature lost his scent began to get out of his hiding spot. Upon exiting the hiding spot and putting the small statue back ishyno began to check around the temple.

Ishyno went around the temple checking around seeing if theirs anyone here even hollering "Hello?! Anyone there?" But there was still no response.

Ishyno went over to the Giant statue and looked around it pushing and pulling it hoping to find any secrets, upon doing so all the lights turned off in the room and the giant statue morphed into the monster as it moved forward revealing a stairwell.

Ishyno decided to go down this stairwell with utmost caution for something gave him the chills so he checked around each step.

500steps later ishyno finally got to the bottom of the floor, ishyno looked around to find anyone still being cautious.

Ishyno spot a light coming out of the wall, Suspicious of this ishyno tried to push the wall to see if it was a door.

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