the cursed castle

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Ishyno got up cautiously and looked around in all directions.

The infront(north) ishyno sees a long hall way leading to three closed rooms at the end of it.

To the left(west) was a door opened to a kitchen.ishyno walks into the kitchen and looks around while thinking, "this seems to large for a house is this a castle?"

Inside the kitchen was a magnificent sight for their were atleast 6 chopping corners in the corner of the room.

Their was atleast 4 racks filled with cooking utensils hanging on the wall with the chopping corners.

Their was atleast 24 cabinets 3 of them next to each corner.

Almost dead center in the middle was a metal hatch most likely leading to a freezer or food locker.

To the most right was a wooden door that can either lead to a food pantry or a janitor storage room.

"Seeing as nothings out of the ordinary... I'll look elsewhere" he said out loud to himself, ishyno walks back to where he was previously and looks to the south.

To the south was nothing much but a stairwell, ishyno would walk up close to inspect it.

As ishyno inspected the stairwell a muttered scream could be heard for a second, he would look around for where the sound originates but nothing could be heard even looking upstairs to see atleast three other floors of stairs, seeing as he's on the ground floor and their seems to be nothing wrong, ishyno stares at the east wall while walking back to his original position ishyno's eyes widen as a screen popped up and read "memory missing 1065/1069" ishyno's eyes widen even more, he falls onto the ground in great pain around his Occipital lobe he begins to remember a childhood memory.

The father said, "Make sure to eat your vegetables son so you can grow to be a big dragon like your mother.

ishyno asked, "But father why can't I eat meat!"

The father responded, "Son you listen here and you listen good, meat has vegetables in it for the animals eat grass, vegetables, etc. so wouldn't it be better to eat from the original source no?"
Ishyno reluctantly said, "Yes father..."

The father noticing this and Sighed, "okay The faster you eat them the faster you get to play with Elsie."

"Really father!" Ishyno asked happily

The father said, "Yes son just make sure not to use your power as the young master to much otherwise she won't like you."

"really she won't father?" Ishyno asked akwardly.

"Hehe indeed son now eat up"the father responded.

Ishyno would wake up 5 minutes later and look around with his fuzzy blurred vision. there was a person there but as soon as ishyno recovered from the blurred vision the person he thought he saw was gone there wasn't even anything there but the painting of a intriquet landscape.

Ishyno would ask out loud, "hello is anyone there, May I know where I am?" Bam, clatter ishyno looks over where the sound was, to see a broken vase where the stairwell was, piquing his curiosity he looked around for another person where it broke while saying, "I won't hurt you." Whispers could be heard above him.

ishyno went to investigate the whispers. Ishyno began thinking what the punishment could be is he to live here for awhile?
Ishyno started to walk up the creaking stairway.

As ishyno went to the second floor he sees two hunched over women ontop of a man that is laying down on the ground.

Ishyno began chuckling as he asks the maidens "why didn't you both respond when I was hollering out for help huh?" the beautiful maidens turn around and respond "No we don't young master we are sorry, what can we do for you to forgive us?" The maidens would hold each other together while looking at ishyno pleading to him.

"You could satisfy my needs in bed~" ishyno said oblivious to the maidens seduction.

The maidens said reluctantly, "yes young master...." They would be giggling alittle bit.

Ishyno and the two maidens would head down the north hallway into the most left door with a already prepared bed+sheeting, cabinet, and lamp in the room the maidens would start to push ishyno into the bed and as ishyno began taking his clothes off the girls began to try and eat him but their teeth wasn't sharp enough to break ishyno's skin.

Ishyno still being seduced wouldn't care about that and continue to take his clothes off but before he could even continue to be bare naked the women started to change shape into that of a succubus.

Ishyno began to glow all of a sudden, without hesitation ishyno swung his sword at once to their necks.

The other succubus screamed as she sees her sister being beheaded in a instant with blood spattering everywhere.

Ishyno rubbed his head as his vision started to come back to him for him to see the same thing he did before when he finished receiving a memory.

Finally being brought back to reality ishyno quickly threw on his clothes and by time he turned around the other succubus was gone!

Ishyno thought to himself "was those succubi supposed to be my punishment? Or is their something else?" He then got out of the room and began to go search for the succubus.

He went from every single room to the top floor without finding anything else intresting finally he's reached a single metal door. Upon opening it he saw many things many many things.

As he looked around this room surveying it he saw from the right to left a room filled with human body some still alive being drained of their blood others being eaten alive.

Ishyno cautiously walked deeper into the room till he found 3 doors a wooden door a metal door and a dark open door.

Ishyno thought for a moment of what could cause such things to these humans and thought that the most logical thing would be a "Noble Vampire" seeing as vampires don't like light all to well ishyno chose the wooden door to go through.

Upon entering the room a deep chill was felt down his spine as the wooden door itself was freezing and before ishyno could do anything he to was freezing. Being frozen alive.

Then out of spite a slow clap could be heard from behind him.

Noble Vampire:well well I didn't think entrapping a door close to me would get me such a meal but what do I have here.

The final thing ishyno saw was a pale face vampire with a scar across it's cheek grinning with it's two fangs at ishyno.

The final thing ishyno heard was..... "You have died going back 24 hours implementing  second punishment!."

"Calculating calculating..."

"You have received |||||| ishyno blacked out"

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